New Girl in Town

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Down in an old subway tunnel long-since abandoned by the citizens of New York, the Hamato family was working together to help Leatherhead get settled into the newly discovered space. While they all enjoyed the crocodile's company, their home was snug enough as it is with the six of them. It had taken a few weeks to find their large ally a home big enough, and even longer to gather all the furniture and build a security system for him. Now, the only thing left to do was help Leatherhead get fully moved in.

"Alright, a bit more to the right..." Mikey called, waving his hand to the right.

Both Raph and Leo struggled to lift their end of the large mattress as they followed Mikey's instructions. Leatherhead easily lifted his end, also following the orange turtle's commands.

"Now a bit more to the left." Mikey corrected.

"Oh I'll give you a left, Mikey!" Raph growled. "A left hook!"

From atop the mattress they were currently trying to situate, Hisako sat up, looking more than a bit annoyed.

"You know, I could help you guys if you wanted." She commented hopefully. "I mean, my hand's all healed and everything."

She waved around her previously injured hand, showing off the new scar that now decorated it.

"Not a chance." Leo told her. "Your hand may be healed, but we're still not sure what that 'Dark Phoenix' thing you pulled did to you.

"Yeah sis." Mikey agreed. "You were out for a whole week after what you did to he-whom-shall-remain-nameless, and we just want to make sure you've rested enough."

"Come on guys," Hisako griped. "I've been doing nothing but rest ever since I woke up. I rested while you found this place, I rested while you gathered all the furniture. Shell, I'm even resting on the furniture you're moving right now!"

Donny looked up from where he was working, installing a security system for Leatherhead.

"As the unofficial physician of this group, I say it's too early for you to be doing any strenuous physical activity."

Hisako groaned, flopping down on the mattress in frustration. As much as she loved her brothers, they could be a bit overbearing at times. With their sister sufficiently cowed, the turtles resumed their duties.

"There!" Mikey called out. "Perfect!"

Leo and Raph gratefully dropped the mattress, Leatherhead doing the same. The croc then scooped up Hisako, placing her on his shoulder.

"What next Don?" Leo asked.

"Well I-"

Before Donnie could answer, there was the familiar sound of footsteps approaching from not far off. Hisako instantly perked up, jumping off of Leatherhead's shoulders before anyone could react.

"Casey! April!" she called.

"Hey Greenie." Casey greeted as he and April entered the lair.

"You're looking better." April told her. "And, not just physically. You seem genuinely happy."

Hisako grinned.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she replied. "The man who ruined my life is gone, the place that haunted my nightmares is history. For the first time in my life... I'm 100% free."

"Get back here Hisako." Donnie called out, causing Hisako's smile to drop slightly.

"Scratch that. 95% free."

She then quickly dove out of the way of Raph's attempts to grab her.

"You need to rest!" Leo insisted, "You've had a traumatic experience!"

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