Tourneys and Treachery

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The next morning, all the fighters assembled at the main courtyard of the arena. The Hamato family were amongst the warriors, once more dressed in their provided armor. The group looked around the arena, seeing countless creatures and warriors lined up and ready for battle. As they did, Raph's eyes fell on a familiar face, one of an anthropomorphic triceratops with battle scars and a gladiator's armor set.

"Hey guys!" Raph called out. "I think that's Traximus!"

The rest of the siblings turned towards the Triceraton, who turned to them and gave them a wave.

"It is Traximus!" Hisako declared. "He made it out!"

"Dude, we are so catching up with him once they call a break." Mikey announced.

"Agreed." Leo responded.

Just then, a series of trumpets rang out, and a large, regal figure emerged out on an upper balcony. The figure was an older man with long white hair that was done in a low ponytail. He had a full mustache and beard that were braided together, and he wore golden armor over a red robe. In his hands was a large scepter that looked like a dragon wrapped around a pulsating blue orb. On the man's right was the Translucent Man from the day before. On his left was Ue-Sama, his face hidden behind his oni mask.

"Betcha twelve pizzas that's the Daimyo." Raph guessed.

"What gave it away?" Donny remarked.

"Greetings, warriors of the Battle Nexus!" The elder man announced. "I am The Daimyo, Master of the Nexus, here to welcome you to this year's Tournament of Champions!"

The entire arena broke out into applause, including the warriors below.

"Heed my words, warriors!" The Daimyo continued. "This is a contest of honor and integrity! Cheating and outside interference will not be tolerated! As an added rule, all fighting is to remain in the arena! I will not have any disgruntled warriors attempting to settle scores in my Nexus!"

"Sounds like the Daimyo runs a tight ship." Leo remarked.

"Guess that means this really will be a clean fight." Mikey added. "Sweet."

The Daimyo then raised his staff, the orb beginning to glow.

"Now, let the Tournament... Begin!"

Light shot out of the staff, striking the center of the arena. Once it did, it bounced to each contestant, causing them to disappear. After that, the arena was divided into sixteen equal slices, two contestants per slice. The turtles, Splinter, and Hisako each appeared on one of these slices, each facing down one of the other contestants.


Raph was going up against an orange skinned man with rings in his hands. Without a second's hesitation, the ring man charged at Raph, swinging his weapons at him. Raph easily leapt out of the way of the strikes and blocked a few with his sai. After blocking an attack, Raph shoved him off and tried swinging at him with his sai. The ring man backflipped away and produced two other rings in each hand before throwing them at Raph.

Raphael quickly deflected them with his sai as he ran close. As the ring man swung at him, Raph dropped to his knees and slid under the weapon. He then got to his feet and spun around, clocking the combatant on the jaw with his sai before leaping into the air and kicking him in the chest. The impact sent him flying into a wall before he disappeared into a shimmering ray of light.

Raph looked around in confusion before his eyes drifted up to a small observation deck above the arena. There, his opponent faded into view, unharmed yet defeated. Raph grinned then, lifted his sai into the air, much to the crowd's enjoyment.

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