Fall of the Shredder

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At Galactic Enterprises, the remaining Council members were suspended in healing tanks, the mutagenic medicine doing what it could to heal their broken bodies. Mashimi's body was laid out on a small table, arranged respectfully with his sword resting on his chest. Murakami, Splinter, Miwa, and the rest of the Hamato siblings all stood around him as Mr. Mortu stepped forward.

"I am deeply sorry for your loss." he apologized. "I can have his body sent to Japan as soon as possible, so the proper funeral rights can be held on his native soil."

"Thank you." Murakami said quietly, gently placing a hand on his former pupil.

Mortu looked at them all solemnly, then turned and walked off to give them some space. Leo looked down at Mashimi's body, then up at the council. His fists clenched angrily as he marched out of the room. Splinter saw him go and quietly followed after him.


Splinter found his son up on the roof of Galactic Enterprises. The Blue turtle was looking out at the city, the stars twinkling in the night sky. He watched them with a mournful look, then he slammed his fists down on the railing around the edge of the building.

"My son?" Splinter called out, approaching Leonardo.

"This never should have happened!" Leo exclaimed. "We should have been out there trying to find him!"

Splinter walked over to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We can only do so much in life, Leonardo." Splinter tried to reassure. "What's done is done. To dwell on what should have been will only torture us."

"But you know I'm right Sensei!" Leo let out, turning to Splinter with tear-filled eyes. "We thought he was dead after the Wolf Hotel fight, but he wasn't. We thought he was dead after the boat explosion, but he wasn't! Twice we've let our arrogance cloud our judgement, and now someone has paid the ultimate price for our failure!"

Splinter considered what Leo had said, before letting out a sigh of admittance.

"You are right, my son." Splinter replied. "Tonight's events have made clear that the Shredder is a problem that can go unchecked no longer. We must end this."

Leo straightened up, a serious look on his face.

"Once and for all." He agreed.


Hisako broke away from the small funeral to meet up with Samson. He and Dr. Xeinos were leaving one of Galactic Enterprises large meeting rooms where the recently recovered mutants were being held. When Samson saw Hisako approaching, he gave her a warm smile.

"Hisako." he greeted.

"How are they?" Hisako asked, glancing towards the door.

"Still recovering I'm afraid." Dr. Xeinos lamented.

"Thanks for not locking them up in the cell block downstairs." Hisako told the doctor. "They're not bad guys... They're just..."

"Hostile and afraid." Samson concluded.

Hisako nodded silently.

"Can I... Can I see them?" she inquired.

Dr. Xeinos and Samson exchanged worried looks, but eventually relented.

"Just be careful." Samson practically begged.

Hisako nodded, then gently opened the door to the meeting room. The four mutants were all on the opposite end of the room, the table and chairs having been erected as some sort of makeshift barrier. They seemed to be huddled close together, as if afraid to be alone.

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