The Breakout

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Professor Honeycutt paced around the room he'd been locked in, his face wracked with worry. Every so often, his eyes would glance over at the closed door, knowing full well there were at least two Triceratons guarding it. His eyes drifted from the door down to his metallic hands, knowing the secrets he's installed into them. Though he had been able to escape similar circumstances while the prisoner of Darius Dunn, he had been in familiar surroundings, and he had to only worry about himself. This time, he was in unfamiliar territory, and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that the Gamarons and their sister would be punished for his attempts.

He let out a sigh, sitting down on the cot and putting his head in his hands. All he could do was sit there and wait.

"I do hope you five are well." he said quietly.


Mealtime came around for Incarceron, and the motley group of six gathered around a single table in the back, the Hamato Siblings looking at the lump of brown mush that served as food.

"Umm, Mona Lisa?" Mikey questioned, poking the mush with his fork, "Are you sure we can actually eat this?"

"It is nutrients paste." Mona explained, eating her own paste. "A single portion provides you with all of the necessary sustenance for a full solar cycle of activity."

The five still looked at it skeptically, then Mikey scooped up a bit on his finger and licked it.

"Huh... Not that bad." he commented.

Eventually, the others were brave enough to give it a test, and then they two began eating it. As they chowed down, Leo spoke up.

"Mona Lisa, what can you tell us about how this place works?" He asked.

"What do you wish to know?" Mona replied, scooping up some more of the paste.

"I have the basic lay of our way out already planned." Donny explained. "However, without the inner workings of the prison, all my data is useless."

"I am afraid there's not much I can tell you." she replied, setting her fork down. "No prisoner has seen the outside of this cell block. Only the guards can travel through the outer halls."

"But how do the guards get in and out of the block?" Hisako wondered.

"Each guard has a special key card." Mona explained. "These cards allow them access all across the prison. However, they are rarely if ever in the block."

"So I guess what Rynokk said was true." Raph remarked. "They're just here to keep us in and clean up the blood."

"That is partially true." Mona agreed.

Raph glanced up in confusion.

"Partially?" he repeated.

"The guards will intervene in fights." she clarified. "Warden Tetrax talks a big game when he says that you will leave at the end of your sentence or in a body bag, but nobody wants to deal with dead prisoners."

"Then why didn't Tetris intervene when Rynokk and his buddies were beating the shell out of you?" Leo wondered.

"Because they only intervene during serious fights where someone gets injured to the point that they need medical attention." Mona explained.

As she said that, Raph glanced around the main area, his eyes catching sight of Rynokk and his buddies. He could feel an idea beginning to form, and a smirk playing on his face. He slipped away as the five continued talking.

"So that's the only way to get the guards in here..." Donny surmised. "And for our plan to succeed, we're going to need one of those cards."

"So we need to pick a fight, but a fight we know we can win." Hisako added.

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