Lone Raph and Cub

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The six Hamato siblings were all gathered in the dojo, sitting in front of their Master. Splinter paced in front of them, stroking his chin as he looked down upon his children.

"My children," He addressed. "You all have faced many powerful adversaries, and have come out victorious. However, these victories have come at a cost."

"We know Sensei." Leo told him. "Getting captured, almost getting killed at the hands of the Shredder, almost losing you..."

"Yeah, but we've always managed to come out on top." Raph pointed out.

"Do you know why that is, my son?" Splinter questioned.

"Because we're awesome, shell-kicking ninja masters!" Mikey cheered.

Splinter's walking stick whacked him hard on the top of the head, eliciting a yelp from the orange turtle.

"No, it is because of Hisako's abilities." Splinter countered. "Every major victory we have achieved was due to Hisako's mental capabilities."

"Yeah, so?" Raph asked.

"So it has the risk of making you complacent." Splinter informed. "While Hisako's powers are a great blessing, you cannot always rely on them. There will be times where your own instincts and skills are all you have to rely on. That is why today, we will be returning to the basics of ninjutsu, reading your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. And Hisako, no powers."

"Hai Sensei." Hisako replied, already focusing on turning them off.

The six rose to their feet, each drawing their respective weapons before turning to face one another. They all bowed respectfully, then slid into offensive positions. Splinter sat down in a meditative position, laying his walking stick across his lap.

"Hajime!" He called out.

With that single word, the six ninjas ran at each other, their weapons clashing loudly. Miwa's katana connected with both of Leo's, the two sharing playful smiles.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you just because we're siblings now." she warned.

"I'd be insulted if you did." Leo replied.

The two then charged and ran past each other, clashing blades as they did. They then turned back around and began clashing swords at each other. While the two sword fighters duked it out, Hisako's fan's caught Donny's staff before he could bring it down on her skull.

"Let's see how well you do against me when you can't read my mind." Donny taunted.

"I don't need my powers to beat you." Hisako retorted.

He spun his staff, attempting to sweep her off her feet, but she easily jumped out of the way, attempting to bring her fans down on his neck. Donny quickly brought his staff up to block the attack, grinning as their battle began. Leaving the two brains of the group to their battle for supremacy, Raph turned his attention on Mikey, popping his neck as he twirled his sai in his hands.

"I'm not gonna lie Mikey," Raph remarked. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

"Ditto Raphie-boy." Mikey agreed, "Today, the Mickster is gonna kick your shell."

Raph charged at Mikey, yelling with each step before jumping up, preparing to bring his sai down on his orange-clad brother. Mikey snapped one of his Nunchucks out of his belt, gripping the sticks and catching the downward sai before they could skewer him. He then shoved Raph back, throwing Raph off balance for a split second, but the hot head quickly recovered.

Off to the side, Miwa and Leo continued their dance, trading blows with such precision that you would think they were putting on a show rather than fighting.

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