Chapter 8 - Entertainment Team

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I wish my brother could forgive himself. We've been through this so many times before. We were ignorant children and even I didn't know the risk of starting that golf cart. As the oldest sibling, and the one who drove it, Rowtag has lived forever with the guilt of the accident and it even costed him his marriage. Not that things were great with Tiffany since the beginning.

I finish displaying the wolf drawings the kids made as Amy arrives. She flashes me a smile and my insides go all gooey.

"That looks great! I'm sure the parents will be proud. There is a lot of talent among this group."

"It all looks good thanks to you. Your patience and guidance help the results. Of all the activities I could think of, it never occurred to me to make one about wolves."

"Well, this place is called Gray Wolf; I thought it was appropriate to teach the children about wolves."

"One thing is for sure, you have put their minds at ease. Now they know there are no wolves in the area," I hold the door of the club open for her.

"Well, I never confirmed that, but I have lived here most of my life and have never seen one or heard about anyone who has. I read in an article that they prefer to stay away from humans. Who knows, maybe they live deep in the woods."

"Let's hope they stay there then. It will be bad marketing if they decide to show up at the ranch," I laugh.

Amy smiles and I feel awkward at my bad joke.

"I need to go to the center, but I have time available for you. What's the plan for today?" I open the cupboards to gather the materials.

"I will read I Took the Moon for a Walk. It works great with the travel theme we have this week. Then we will make a mobile, here is the template," she hands me a paper sheet to photocopy.

"How do you come with these themes, anyway? All I can think about are games."

"I studied Early Childhood Education. Even in a day care center you work with themes and plan the activities accordingly."

"I'm so happy you applied for this job. What will I do without you?" I make her blush and bite my tongue for having no filter to my words.

We go through the day program, and I make a quick inventory of the supplies she will need. The first kids come in after breakfast and move to the different stations to do puzzles or to play. Once our room is full, she calls them out to sit on the floor. I grab a stool for myself, as sitting on the floor isn't possible for me.

Amy's voice is so soothing as she reads it has me in a trance. When she finishes, she invites the kids back to the activity tables to make the moon-themed mobile.

"You should have a TV show for kids," I say to her once the kids are settled.

"Who would want to watch me?"

"I do," I blurt before I can stop myself.

Amy's cheeks turn red again, and mine probably do as well. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm not fifteen anymore!

"Ah... I- Center- Need a new phone. See you tomorrow," I stand up and tumble a cup filled with sequins on the table. "Oh, sorry, I will clear that up for you."

I scoop them back quickly. Amy's face is still shocked.

"Yeah or later. Gotta check the new entertainment team," I walk backwards and fall over a small chair.

The kids laugh hard. I bite my tongue for the pain I feel in my pelvis is stabbing.

"Huritt, are you okay?"

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