Chapter 38 - Moving Out

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"Your father? That's what Kitchi told us but I found it difficult to believe. How do you know it's him?"

"Since Karen found out about my infidelity, I've been wondering what to do with my life. The world as I knew it fell apart and suddenly, I found myself without a job, with a ruined reputation and away from my kids. I dreamed a lot about my father in that period. He was always my source of comfort when something troubled me. Mom is the nurturer. I bought a car and headed this way. Right before the entrance of the ranch, I had doubts on whether it was the right decision. I parked the car on a bend and stepped out, took a walk through the woods to clear my head, and that's when I saw the wolf."

"You saw it... The more this happens, the more surreal it feels when it should be the opposite."

"My father had light brown eyes like me. Huritt inherited my mother's eye color. The wolf had my father's eyes. I walked up to him, and a feeling of peace and comfort downed on me. I tried to touch it, but my hand went through its image. The wolf vanished, but then I knew what I had to do."


Shock and all, I keep assisting Joe where I can, and afterwards he heads to deal with the gardens. I return to the stables and find Kitchi talking with Sebastian, who looks thrilled.

"Kit, we filled a few crates with produce. Joe went to prune the roses."

"Sebastian, can you pick those and bring them to the restaurant along with the goat milk?" Kitchi says.

"Sure," he says and leaves.

"He looks as if he will burst from happiness," I say.

"Row just came to tell him he got accepted to a vocational school. I spoke with my brother about him. I know that he felt bummed he couldn't study. Rowtag met with the school director and offered internship places here at the property in exchange of accepting Sebastian."

"Great news! What is he going to study?"

"Veterinary technician," Kitchi smirks.

"Are you serious?"

"The kid who had never touched a cow teat until a few months ago," Kit laughs. "How are you getting along with Dad?"

"Quite well. Joe is a good man."

"He is. My mom hardened him through the years, but he seems to be going back to his true self."

"What about you? Are you happy that he is here?"

"Very," he says with a warm smile.

Kitchi and I find that we've done enough for the day and split to our respective homes. I open the door of the lodge and find Nadine sitting in the living room. She stands up and comes to rest her head on my chest.

"How did everything go?" I caress her hair and kiss her head.

"I hope he rots in jail," her voice comes out muffled and I tilt her head to make her look at me. "I felt so scared when I saw him. He's gone mad and has a horrible look in his eyes, almost as if he wants to jump on people and finish them. His lawyer talked to the jury, told them he isn't aware of his acts and can't be punished. I remembered all the awful things he did to me and the other girls. He wasn't crazy back then for sure. When I got called to testify, I told them everything. His lawyer wanted to prove I stayed with him willingly. Then the prosecutor asked me how old I was when he took me in. I was fifteen, a minor!"

"He's a fucking bastard! Not even in my worst times I considered touching a girl."

"His case for a reduced sentence fell right then and there. He yelled insults at me and his lawyer kept telling him to shut up. Chris, I feel so relieved after this. I'm sorry I didn't allow you to come with me, but this has strengthened me. I can finally live again."

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