Chapter 9 - Out There

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Since we started the ranch project, I believe this is the first time I've finished work early. It's only four in the afternoon and that means I have a good two hours available before my brothers come home. I could start dinner, but after Rowtag's disastrous cooking skills, I follow in lack thereof. Kitchi is the best cook of us four, but we rather have him rest when he comes home.

Maybe I should go to the farm and check how things are going. I haven't had a chance in a while to ride Clark. He will probably ignore me when he sees me. I wink at the front desk girl who gets all flustered, a pretty sight. She caught my 'literal' eye since she started working for us. Maybe I should ask her out one day. Huritt told me one of the dancer girls finds me hot, so I have options.

Daylight... something I've come to appreciate as I spend so long indoors. People pass me by with sunburnt skin, wet hair, and wrapped in towels, probably going back to their lodges after spending the day on the pool deck. The two guys from the sports team host an animated hoop shooting competition on a field nearby. It makes me happy to hear our guests' laughter as they fail to get the ball in the basket. Bart and Miguel show them effortlessly how to do it.

When I reach the stables, I find Chris hard at work on the front. Seems he's making the area ready for planting. I've helped Grandma enough times to know that. Chris stretches his back and winces, and that's when I see a big mark of dirt on the side of his shirt.

"Hey Chris, how's it going?" I greet him.

"Going well. Weeding this area out to expand the patch. Nasty work, but it has to be done," Chris points at the bucket filled with the plucked plants.

"Where's Kit?" I peek at the stables but don't see movement.

"Trail ride. Should be back soon," Chris looks at his watch.

"Bad luck for me then. He probably took Clark with him."

"Yeah, only Bette and Audrey are in the paddock. Bette didn't take it kindly she had to stay," he points at his dirty shirt.

"She kicked you?" I ask surprised.

"Nah, more like a push. It was hard enough to make me fall on my side a few feet away. If it was a proper kick, I don't think I would be here talking to you."

"Maybe you should go to the first aid post to get checked. You might have a cracked rib."

"I feel fine and the bruise isn't that big. Thanks for the concern though."

"Anytime. And do you like it here?"

"I do. Kit is a fun guy and knows a lot about animals and plants. I thought it was difficult for him to learn new things."

"It is. The things he knows he has learned throughout the years. With enough repetition, he can retain new information. The problem is his short-term memory and visual-verbal associations."

"Is it also part of it that he spaces out so much?"

"You've also noticed that. No, that started a few months ago, and it's getting worse with each day."

Chris and I continue our chat and I realize how much I've missed interacting with a guy who isn't one of my brothers. We joke around and I even help him pluck some plants. Our conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Kitchi and our guests. My brother leads the group while riding Clark, wild look on his face and hair loose under a leather hat. We follow the group inside and help the women to dismount.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Did you enjoy yourselves?" I ask our smiling guests.

"It was so beautiful. I have been on so many tours, but Keith made this one special," a woman who could be our mother, looks with dreamy eyes at my little brother.

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