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Madhu (sarcastic): Ohh really? Protect me? Superstar RK...the only person I need protection from is YOU!

RK: Damn it Madhu! It's the truth!

Madhu: Ohh spare me your bullshit! I'll NEVER trust anything you do and say! You don't know how to differentiate between reel and real life! We are not living in one of your damned movies! It's laughable that you want me to believe you that you made a mockery of my love and broke my heart into a million pieces because you wanted to protect me! If that's your idea of protection then you can hang it! I don't need you to keep messing with my mind.

RK (rages): Damn it! You think it was easy for me? It nearly killed me to hurt you but it had to be done! I was not about to take any more risk on your life.

Madhu (shakes her head): Unbelievable! RK...just stop...ok? Just stop with this nonsense! By the way, why did you come to my house the other day? And how did you find out where I live?

RK: I had my security note your license plate number. From there it was easy to find out where you live. I am Superstar RK...whatever I want, I get. And I want you back Biwi.

Madhu: First of all YOU have NO right to come to my house! NONE! And you can't have me back...technically I WAS never yours!

RK (leans in close to her lips and whispers): You WERE mine. You ARE mine. And you WILL always be mine. Do you get that? NO ONE can have you!

RK leans and captures Madhu's mouth for a bruising kiss. He uses his thumb to force her mouth to open so his tongue can gain entry. Angry at his manhandling, she rams her knee to RK's groin. He hisses in pain and doubles over.

RK (bent over in pain): Damn... damn...damn! Why the hell did you do that for?!?

Madhu: You cannot touch and kiss me whenever the hell you want to! I am not a Barbie that you can play with and touch all you want! Mr. Rishab Kundra... I don't want you to touch me, kiss me, hell I don't even want you anywhere near me! Pull any more stunts like that on me, and I will GLADLY use my knee AGAIN. Do YOU understand?!?

Madhu turns around to leave but stops and turns back around to face him.

Madhu: FYI. I am filing for divorce in a few days. Be on the lookout for court summons. I hope you're going to show up so we can finally put an end to this joke!

She turns around to leave but RK comes up from behind and pulls her back against him. He grabs her arms and keeps her in place as she struggles to be free.

RK (leans down, kisses her ears and whispers): away all you want, but in the end you're going to come back to me. You're mine Biwi...and no court of law is going to take you away from me. RK does not loose, and I am NOT losing you!

Madhu puts her 5 inch stilettos to good use. She slams her right foot down on his toes. RK yelps in pain and lets go of Madhu. Stepping back from him, Madhu turns around for one last parting shot.

Madhu: That was for underestimating me. I am NOT as weak as I seem. Just stay away from me Rishab Kundra. Will be good for your remaining, uninjured body parts.

She tosses her hair back and walks into the restroom. Her emotions out of control, Madhu spends a few minutes crying her heart out. It's therapeutic, to let her emotions go with her tears. She always feels better afterwards. And she's Glycerine, so tears are her birthright. Once she has her emotions under control, she wipes her tears and goes back to her table.

Madhu (sits down and gulps down her remaining drink): Sorry for the wait.

Arnav noticed RK storm out of the restaurant in temper a few minutes ago. He now notices Madhu's red-rimmed eyes, probably due to tears.

Arnav (concerned): Are you ok?

Madhu (holding her tears in check): Hmm...I am fine. (Laughs) I probably should have invited him to sit down with us for lunch. You're both made out of the same cloth. The two of you could have shared ideas on how torture your half-wedded spouses.

Thanks for reading and please comment.

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