Chapter 1

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"I'm pregnant," I told Jesse St. James. His face suddenly turned from concerned to scared and then concerned again. Is this a good sign? 

"Y-You're what?" Jesse asks, for clarification. 

"Pregnant," I repeat. Oh no, the waterworks. People are staring. I turned away. 

"What are we gonna do? I mean, I have a very good reputation at Carmel High. And what about Vocal Adrenaline?" He worriedly asks. 

"You seriously are caring about your reputation? I am pregnant!" I whisper/yell the word pregnant. 

I can't believe him, I am having a baby and he cares about himself. What a jerk! I shouldn't have told him anyways, he wasn't the father. 

I look over at  Finn and his friends, laughing and joking. I should really tell him. No, I am dating Jesse. A man who can keep up with my talent. MY TALENT! 

Will I lose my talent because of this child growing inside of me? I hope not! Aw! My little baby boy/girl is going to be very talented. But will he/she be a better singer than me? They better not or- 

"Hey Rachel," Finn quietly says. 

"Oh, hi," I say, trying to act normal and calm. 

"Uh, are you okay? You're acting like the other night didn't happen. I'm sorry if you didn't want to go all the-" He starts. 

"No, no. My mind is just off at another place. Sorry." I sorta lie. 

Class after class, I've been thinking about the baby, my relationship, and Finn. Soon enough, people are going to find out. People are gonna hate me even more than before. At the end of the day, Finn tries to lean in for a quick kiss. My temptation will not cloud my judgement like the other night. He may be tempting but I have boundaries. Like my boyfriend, Jesse. Where is he? 

"I'm sorry Finn. We cant. I haven't broken up with Jesse yet. I'm not sure I ever will." I kindly reject Finn. 

He looks stunned as I walked towards the bus, but I could not have kissed him. I mean, I already let him get me knocked up. I have to have some respect! 

"Oh, uh see you around!" He awkwardly yelled to me. 

I kept walking towards my bus when Quinn Fabray, head cheerleader, approached me. 

"I know you and Finn had it going the other night." She stated. 

I stood up straighter and patted down my plaid skirt. 

"How do you know?" I whispered. 

"I can tell. I do this all the time. Whatever you do, never let Jesse know. NEVER." Quinn instructed. 

"But we have an honesty rule!" I imply. 

"Did you think about that the other night?" She asked. 

Well, she was right. I didn't think about that the other night. She strutted away with her hands on her hips and I walked the other way to my bus. 

Once I got home, I took another pregnancy test, just to make sure, and sure enough, positive. I tilted my head back, why me? I had perfect grades, amazing talent, and a great boyfriend. How could one night change your whole life? 

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