Chapter 27

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"That did not really happen," I argue. There's no way in this universe that both of my ex-boyfriends would talk and something productive would happen. It's impossible. "No this really did happen!" Jesse says.

As we walk down the corridor, I feel everyone is watching for me to frown or something to tell Sydney. But, I won't let them see anything.

"Hey Rachel!" Sydney exclaims. She comes up to me, right in front of my face, wearing Finn's Letterman jacket. Oh sweet Lord.

"Hello Sydney!" I reply, just as enthusiastic. Everyone's attention is on Sydney and I. Jesse is trying to pull me away, but I resist. I'm not letting her see that she gets to me.

"Did you hear the beautiful news? Finn and I are finally a thing!" She squeals. I put on my best smile and squeal with her. "Isn't it just wonderful?"

"Oh yes! I'm so happy for you two!" I reply. Jesse's given up at this point, but I am so not. Just as we're finished our conversation, Sydney taps my shoulder.

"Oh, and one more thing...he wanted me to tell you that he's thinking of telling your parents about the bun in the oven. Wouldn't that be so sweet of him?.."

"Don't let her get to you..don't let her get to you..don't let her get to you.." Jesse repeats as we walk away. I love how he's doing this for me. I cheated on him after all. Then, I lead him on, but rejected him. Poor Jesse.

LUNCH IS THE worst part of the day. It's the only part of the day where I can eat. A pregnant woman needs her food throughout the whole day! I crave something different every two periods, and I'll never know what my cravings will be for the day. One day it's spaghetti, the next it's donuts...

The thing that makes it even worse is watching Sydney brag about Finn at the lunch table. I've moved a seat away from her, but I can still hear her. She's talking about the football games they go to together and how he picks her up bridal style.

"I misread Finn. I thought any guy that gets a girl pregnant is stupid, but I guess it's the girl in this case. No offense, Rachel," She laughs. Another pang of jealously hits my heart. Out of nowhere, Sydney stands up on her seat. She hits her fork against someone's tin lunch box and mostly everyone is paying attention.

"Attention! Everyone! I want everyone to know that I will be hosting a party this weekend, to celebrate Rachel's baby!-"

I don't even hear the rest of the sentence. My world stops. The rest is in slow-motion. I whip my head around to see who was actually listening. It turns out..everyone was. My face turns to a bright-red while I feel everyone's eyes are on me. I see a lot of shocked faces, but mostly they are whispering to their friends about me. It's terrible. It's fight or flight, Rachel. I choose flight. When I turn my head to look at the cafeteria door, I see Finn. Standing there with his jaw on the floor.

When I run towards the door, I push Finn aside and charge. I don't want anyone to see me cry. Not now. Not when everyone thought I was so strong this morning for sticking up for myself.

F I N N ' S P . O . V .

I can't believe those words that just came out of Sydney's mouth. She just exposed Rachel's biggest secret to the whole grade. I throw the flowers on the floor that I bought for Rachel. Sydney is in my line of fire, and I'm not missing.

"How could you? You terrible, cold human being! Rachel did absolutely nothing to you! And this is how you repay her?" Jesse yells before I can even open my mouth. Jesse is so nice to Rachel, and I'm so grateful for him taking care of her.

"Sydney! How could you spread rumors about us dating? It's not even close to true! Before the other day, I had no idea of your existence! You better stop hurting Rachel because it's not just us two who will be there to stop you.." I start.

"Us too!" The whole Glee Club says in unison. Mercedes, Kurt, Tina, Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Mike, Puck, Artie, and Matt all come through the cafeteria door. Mercedes puts her hands on her hips and walks to the front.

"Don't mess with this family," Mercedes says with sass all the way down to the bone. Sydney's face falls and tries to think of something to say.

"Speechless?" Puck questions. Sydney purses her lips and steps down from the seat.

"Your little Glee Club isn't going to make me not want to hurt Rachel. She's the school joke!" Sydney exclaims, laughing. I almost throw a punch at her, but Quinn, Santana, and Brittany hold me back.

"You guys deal with her, I will talk to Rachel..." I tell them.

I'm wondering the halls of this school, not knowing where in the world I am. I'm hoping I'll just find a bathroom and she'll be in there. So far, I've found three bathrooms, and none have had Rachel in them.

I see the auditorium and know that she's in there. Singing always makes her feel better. In the auditorium, I walk backstage and go onto the balcony where the tech people work. Luckily for me, Rachel is sitting there, crying. I cautiously run over to where Rachel is sitting and sit down next to her. Immediately, I hold her close to me.

"It'll be'll be'll be okay.." I repeat to her while she cries. This is going to be a long day.

A/N: This was a fun chapter to write. My favorite chapters to write are when Finn and Rachel do something adorable. Finn just makes me swoon, you know? Next update will be next weekend! Oh Lord, this song gives me all the feels.

Knocked Up-With Talent.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن