Chapter 24

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When I pulled away from our kiss, I suddenly realized that this wasn't Finn. It was my imagination. The worse part is: I hadn't even realized who I was actually kissing.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have..." I trail off. I immediately regret kissing him. Jesse and I were getting along as friends, but I let my feelings get in the way. Typical me.

"No, don't blame yourself. I knew you were still not over Finn and I took advantage of that. Let's just forget this ever happened!" Jesse suggests. We both get up, have one last look at each other, and walk away.

"YOU WHAT?" Quinn asks me, as I rub my temples.

"I'm sorry! It just kind of happened..." I try to explain. I can tell she is rolling her eyes, but I try not to think of it.

"Does that mean you're over...Finn?" She whispers. I have no idea why she is whispering, it's not like she is talking in a public place.


"Quinn, please do not tell me I am on speaker in the choir room." I demand.

"Uh.." I hear people running away as their sneakers squeak on the newly cleaned floor.

"Quinn Fabray! Please don't tell me Finn was there too!" I groan, knowing he was.

"Hi," Finn says in the background.

"Hey, Finn. Can I talk to you...alone?" I ask, not wanting the others to hear my talk with him.

"Rach, did you really kiss Jesse?" Finn asks, a little nervous.

"Yeah, but it was a mistake. I guess my heart was longing for someone and he was the closest one." I say to him.

"Do him?" He asks.

"No" I firmly reply. I definitely do not love Jesse.

I hear him let out a sigh of relief. I love to hear him be relieved that I haven't moved on.

"How about you? What's going on in your love life?" I joke, trying to lighten the conversation.

"Well, it's been pretty slow. Life here at McKinley is not any better than it was when you enrolled. We all miss you, Rach. I miss you."

"MISS CORCORAN, please just hear me out? I have good reasoning!" I yell after Shelby. I had just informed her that I was quitting Vocal Adrenaline. Jesse is too much of a distraction right now and I need to focus on my schoolwork. I haven't been to class for a very long time.

"You are so talented, Rachel! I just don't want you to throw your talent away. Vocal Adrenaline is counting on you. Don't let them down." She argues.

"They did just fine before I got here!" I point out.

"Fine, Rachel. But you cannot come back!"

"Believe me, I won't," I mutter to myself as I walk away.


Next update is on Sunday.

Knocked Up-With Talent.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora