Chapter 20

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As I walk into the halls of McKinley, I feel..different. I remember all of the memories; good and bad. Like when I told Jesse I was pregnant, or when I talked to Quinn in the bathroom. I am more mature now, I have grown.

I still get more stares and whispers as I walk to the choir room, but this time, I don't care. I listen in on the whispers going on behind me.

"I heard she left because her baby has cancer."

"No way! That's Rachel Berry? Ew, the baby bump does not suit her well!"

"I heard she had to go maternity shopping! How embarrassing is that?"

Then, the whole hallway goes silent. Everybody stops whispering, it's just some gasps. I'm afraid to turn around and see what they are gasping at, but I do it anyways. It's Finn.

"Rachel? I-I thought you left," Finn questions.

I take in his appearance. He is really taking my leave not well. Instead of a different flannel or rugby shirt everyday, it looks like he wore that same flannel everyday. He still manages to make bags under his eyes look so gorgeous.

"I did, but I just wanted to visit and see everyone. I miss all of you," I croak. The last part barely came out.

"Did you come here to see me?" Finn asks, hope in his eyes.

I nod my head, wordlessly. To be honest, as much as I love my friends and this school, I really came to see Finn and hear his voice. Taking me by surprise, he hugs me. I feel like I'm transferring his confidence back into him by this hug.

When Finn and I walk into the choir room, Puck raises his eyebrows at me. I smile at his no word remark and sit down next to Finn.

"Rachel, are you staying for the day?" Mr.Schuester asks.

"Yes I am! I'm so excited to see everyone!" I reply.

Right on cue, Quinn walks in and she hugs me immediately.

"Quinn! I missed you so much!" I yell as I embrace her in a hug. After our hug, Quinn notices that I sit next to Finn, but she doesn't say anything. Throughout the lesson, I can't stop noticing the way Finn looks at me. He does it when he thinks I'm not looking, but I am.

AS I WALK by my old locker, I realize Finn is standing by it, waiting for me. I walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around, and begins to speak.

"Hey, Rachel, uh I got a job. This one I'm sure they can't fire me," Finn reveals.

I squeal and throw my arms around him. I'm so proud of him for standing up and doing something for this baby.

"That's amazing! Where is it?" I ask, excited.

"Burt's Tire Shop."

"Wait, Finn. Did you get this job for the baby? Because I'm not sure I'm completely okay with you taking care of the baby yet," I explain. I don't want him to think he is completely off the hook. What he did was terrible and heartbreaking, but I can't take care of this little child by myself.

"Rachel, don't worry. We'll start off with me just paying you some money for all those doctor appointments."

AFTER THEIR school day, we all go back to the choir room for me to perform. I came prepared, as always, with the song Go Your Own Way.

Once I take a bow, everyone stands up from their seats and hugs me. Boy, I'm going to miss these people.

Quinn walks home with me and I thank her once we reach my house. She starts to tear up as we say goodbye, but I know she and I will always stay best friends.

"Quinn, don't cry. We will keep in touch!" I tell her. She walks away, and I realize that I missed most of Vocal Adrenaline practice. Suddenly, I hear my dad's voice boom through the hallway.

"Rachel, Miss Corcoran called and said you missed all of practice today. I didn't know Shelby was your coach?" My dad yells to me. I walk over to the kitchen, where he is cooking, and prepare myself to think of an explanation.

"Yeah, she is. How do you know her?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"'s been a while....We're friends from a long time ago."

"Oh, I was visiting a friend. She's going through a rough time right now," I lie.

He nods his head and goes back to cooking. After I leave the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

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