Chapter 21

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"Hey Jesse," I greet Jesse as I walk into the auditorium.

"Oh, Rachel! There you are! I've been meaning to ask you how the baby is," Jesse replies.

"The baby is fine. Finn is helping me pay for the doctor visits. They'll increase more as the months pass by, though."

"That's good. You know, I could always help too. It's going to be really hard for you and-"

"Jesse, I'm fine. You know I can do this. I can do this all on my own. I can handle it..."

WHILE WE'RE doing dance routine, I suddenly feel like I'm going to throw up. Rachel, push through it. You're risking your chance here, Rachel. As soon as the routine was over, I run over to the trashcan. I hover over it, but nothing comes out.

"Rachel, is everything alright?" Miss Corcoran asks. She actually seems concerned, which is rare. I know she has this parent instinct over me, I don't understand why.

"I'm fine, really. It's just..we've never done dances like this back at McKinley," I joke, trying to get the attention off of me.

I notice how she stiffens and goes back to the other kids. Thank the Lord. If she found out about my baby, I could get kicked off the team. As I walk backstage, I notice one of my team members hovering over the trashcan.

"Hey! Are you okay? I'll go call the nurse!" I yelled, running to the stage. The girl stood up and looked at me standing in the doorway. She looked like she was about to pull out a knife and stab me.

"Are you stupid?" She asked. I couldn't really tell if she was being real or not.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you stupid?"  She questioned, putting her hands on her hips.

"No! I was just trying to help you," I point out.

"I'm not throwing up after some bad lunch. All of us Vocal Adrenaline members have to keep a figure. Shelby just didn't tell you because obviously she's your mom."

"What?" I responded. I had no idea if I was saying what to her throwing up just because or her saying Shelby was my mom.

"You heard me! Shelby has been acting all strange since you got here and she actually looks like she cares about you. Secondly, she's been really emotional lately and keeps looking at a picture of a baby." The girl explained.

I stormed out onto the stage and called my dad. Once he picked up, I bombarded him with questions.

"How do you know my Vocal Adrenaline coach again? How well do you know her? I don't remember meeting her. Exactly how many years ago did you meet?" I asked.

"Woah, woah slow down. Why do you need to know all of this?" He answered with another question.

"No reason in particular." I lie.

"Well, I don't remember exactly how or when we met. But we dated for a while way back when. Sadly, we parted our separate ways and that was the last I ever saw of Shelby."

After speaking with him about school, I hung up. I wasn't getting anymore answers out of him. I guess I will have to go to the source herself. Miss Corcoran. When practice was over, I made my way up to her and asked to speak to her alone.

"My dad, Hiram, said you two had known each other. How is that?" I asked, innocently.

"Oh, wow, uh, I don't really remember much. We were just friends for a long time." She replied nervously.

"Hmm, well that's strange. He said you guys dated..." I pretended to not know the truth.

"Rachel, is there something you want me to confess to?" She questioned, becoming suspicious.

"Of course not! I just wanted to find out."

Miss Corcoran walked away from me before I could ask anymore questions. I sighed, and figured I would have to do this the hard way.

"Are you my mother?" I yelled to her as she walked. She stopped, turned around and walked back to me.

"Who told you that?" She asked, looking around.


Sorry I haven't updated in a couple days, it's been a weird week with the snow and birthdays. I hope you all enjoyed the Shelby/Rachel moment in this chapter. I've included a nice picture of Rachel and Shelby and a duet by them in 4x19.

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