Chapter 17

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I look over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It reads, 6:00.  

I groan, but I get up anyways. First, I start off my day with a banana and protein milkshake. By 6:10, I'm on the elliptical. My first day at Carmel High is today. I know I'll have Jesse, but I'm still pretty nervous. I always worked with people that weren't better than me, but what if I meet someone who is more talented than me? That cannot work. 


This is way different than McKinley High. Everyone is so creative! At McKinley, people who were creative were weird. But here, these people are appreciated. I think I could get used to this. 

"Hi! I'm Maria and this is Frankie!" A girl with short black hair exclaims. I look at the boy and girl standing in front of me. Frankie is taller with auburn hair and freckles. Not the kind of boy with red hair and freckles who's not attractive. This one is. Maria has shoulder-length hair and is shorter. 

"Uh, hello. I'm Rachel, do you know where I can find the choir room?" I ask, looking around for a sign. 

Maria and Frankie start laughing and I turn angry. It's only my first day! 

"Well, if you're just gonna laugh at me, I'll find someone else," I angrily say with my free hand in a fist at my side. Maria immediately turns serious again and grabs my arm. 

"Wait, I'm sorry. There's just no choir room in this building. You must come from a small school, I'm guessing," Maria explains. 

"McKinley High, actually. We don't focus on the arts, like you do here. It's a big transition.." 

"Oh! What made you go from McKinley to here?" Maria asks, while Frankie tries to recover from laughing so hard. 

"Girl issues," I simply reply, not really wanting people to know about this child growing inside of me. 

"Anyways, where Vocal Adrenaline meets is down the hall. They practice non-stop, though. If you want to talk to Mrs. Corcoran, you're gonna have to see her after hours." 

"Mrs.Corcoran? Is that the coach?" I ask. No one has ever mentioned the coach's name and I guess I never thought of it. 

"Thank you Maria and Frankie. I'll see you around sometime." 


Once I get home from my first day of school, I immediately lay down on my bed. It really tired me out, running to and from everywhere. First I needed to talk to the Principal and then the guidance counselor and then some of the teachers. Finally, after school, I talked to Mrs. Corcoran. 

"Mrs.Corcoran?" I ask as I walk down the middle of the auditorium. Their auditorium is enormous with 300 seats and everything! 

"Yes?" She answers, but once she turns around she stops. She almost even drops her clipboard. 

"I was wondering if I could try out for Vocal Adrenaline." 

She pretends to be busy while looking through paperwork and tells me I have 10 minutes to prepare a song and sing it in front of her. I quickly go backstage and already know what song I'm going to sing. It's an easy pick, Don't Rain on My Parade from Funny Girl. Barbra Streisand is my idol, and if I don't get this, I would be doing her wrong. 

Me picking out a song took about 1 minute, so I spend the rest of my 9 minutes watching Mrs.Corcoran. She looks really troubled, like she has a battle going on inside of her right now. I don't know what she is thinking about, but it must be really important. 

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