Chapter 22

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"No one had to tell me. I always knew that you were hiding something from me since the moment I met you," I admitted. What I was saying was true. I always looked up to Shelby as a female role model. Besides Barbara, I never had a woman role model that I knew. Growing up with two dads had it's challenges.

"Rachel, giving you up was the biggest mistake I've ever made. You were the most beautiful baby I've ever seen and handing you to the nurse broke my heart. You don't understand how much I think about you." When tears started forming in both of our eyes, Jesse came out to where we were standing.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, concerned with our emotions at the moment.

"No, we were just...talking," Shelby said. She walked back into the auditorium, leaving Jesse and I alone. I know he wanted to know what happened, but he didn't push anything. I hugged myself as I walked away and Jesse followed.

"So, I was wondering if you'd help me practice for this audition I have for a job at a singing diner," Jesse offered, changing the subject.

"Uh, yeah! Tomorrow after school sound good?" I asked. He nodded and I went over to pack up my bag to go home.

WHEN I ARRIVED at the auditorium after school, he was already waiting for me. He jumped up from his seat once he saw I was here.

"Alright, what do you want to sing?" I asked, setting my things down.

Instead of answering me, the music starts to play. The tune is very familiar to me because Jesse and I used to sing it in the car all the time. Listen to Your Heart was one of my favorite songs before Finn and I...well, began seeing each other. Every time I think of this song, I think of all the great moment Jesse and I shared.

"You okay, Rachel?"Jesse questions, interrupting my thoughts. I nod, getting rid of thoughts about Jesse and I.

"What made you pick this song?" I ask, curious to know.

"I don't know. When I was looking through songs, this song was calling to me," He replied, shrugging. "Our voices were made for each other's. We harmonize so easily," He continued.

I nodded, not knowing what to say. He was slowly moving closer to me, which scared me. I don't want to lead him on, so I need to leave. Once he sat down next to me and started talking to me, I quickly got up and ran out of the auditorium. I couldn't sit next to him and let him do that. Him and I will never happen.

Once I got home, I skipped dinner and called Quinn. She answered on the first ring, thankfully, and I immediately told her what had happened. She freaked out a little but quickly calmed down. Quinn told me that I should try not to lead him on and to try to stay away from him for a while. The rest of the phone call was about McKinley happenings. It was the same old same old, I heard nothing about Finn though.

"What about Finn?" I asked.

"Oh, uh, Finn? Nothing much..." Quinn replied quickly. After that, she excused herself and hung up.

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