Chapter 29

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After Finn completed his splendid solo, I teared up a little bit. He is just more perfect than I could have ever asked for. I'm so glad that I'm having this baby with him. Finn walks over to where I'm sitting and rubs my stomach.

"Thank you," I whisper to Finn. "I want to show you that I really am here. This baby has an awesome dad!" I smile at his attempt to make the conversation light and everyone diverts their attention to someone else going on stage.

"Rachel? Rachel?" Quinn asks, waving her hand to get my attention. "Yes, Quinn? Why are you on stage?"

Suddenly, Mike comes down the stairs holding a projector and a disc in his hand. What is he holding? He walks over to the stage and sets up the projector. Brittany and Santana urge me to get up and lead me to a designated seat in the front of the room. Quinn starts to speak and the room goes silent.

"So, Rachel, us Glee Club members decided to do something really nice for you. We never really understood how much it hurt physically or mentally to be pregnant," Quinn starts, "I should stop talking and let you watch actually."

The video starts with a black screen and it says, Dear Rachel. Next, there is a compilation of videos of me and my fellow glee club members from before I left. This video is literally the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me.

By the time the video was over, I had used at least 7 tissues. Now, my eyes are all puffy and red. Everyone crowded around me and we all hugged. It was perfect.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make..." I started, "I'm transferring back to McKinley."

MY LAST DAY at Carmel High was just as sad as I thought it would be. Even though I was here for not even 6 months, I loved the essence. Kids were so...creative and I loved it. At McKinley, some kids would rather die than express themselves.

Before I left though, I had to say goodbye to my mother.

"Shelby?" I called out into the, what seemed like, empty auditorium. Backstage, I could hear her singing..Funny Girl?

"Shelby?" I asked, seeing her practice her pitch in the mirror.

"Rachel! What are you doing here?" She questioned, flattening her skirt.

"Well, today's my last day at Carmel and I thought I should say goodbye to you. What were you singing?"

"Rachel, you inspire me. To achieve greater things is what I plan to do. I have a real broadway callback next week!" Shelby confesses.

"Oh my gosh! That's..amazing!" I fumble for the words, unable to speak. She's such a talented person who deserves this more than anyone. Of course I would love to be in her shoes, but I need to be happy for her.

"What role?"

"Elphaba! From Wicked!" She yelled, jumping up and down. I run over to where she is standing and form an unbreakable hug. When we disconnected, we couldn't stop conversing about her upcoming role.

A/N: Hello! Oh my goodness, I am so excited. This book is so close to 10K and this is my dream! I definitely need to celebrate this, but I don't know how. Does anyone have any ideas?

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