Chapter 11

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As I pull up to Quinn's house, my hands start trembling. What if her parents don't like me? I mean, Finn told me they are super religious. I'm sure they don't like a girl who got pregnant her sophomore year!

Ring! The door bell rings, and before I could run away, her mother opens the door. Wow, she looks just like Quinn.

"Hello, you must be one of Quinn's friends," Mrs.Fabray assumes.

"Yes I am."

"Well, come on in!" She opens the door more and I walk in. "Quinny! Your friend is here!"

The huge glass chandelier on the ceiling is intimidating me. A lot.
The walls are tan with staircases on each side. Behind the staircases is a kitchen, and from what I can see, it's huge.

Quinn runs down the stairs in a casual outfit, different from her Cheerio's uniform. It's kinda unusual to see Quinn in something other than her uniform. I like it!

"Hey Rach!" She yells as she embraces me with a hug.

"Hi!" I yell back at her, while hugging her.

Her mother looks at me, with pity in her eyes I might add. Quinn must have told her parents about my situation. But that's okay.

"Come see my room!" Quinn says as she is dragging me up to her room.

As I enter Quinn's room, I suddenly gasp. I guess she noticed because she added, "I don't usually bring people to my house because they will think I am rich and obnoxious. I totally trust you!"

"I saw what happened in the hallway today. Finn is so in love with you. You picked the right guy, Rachel. I bet if you picked Jesse and that happened today, he would have challenged him to a sing-off."

We both laugh, and for once, I forget that my life is going to be horrible for the next 9 months. I know as long as I have Quinn at my side, my life won't be horrible.

THE DOOR CLOSES behind and I yell, "Dads, I'm home!" I drop my bag at the door, and usually I would hear them singing by now. How unusual.

"Dads?" I yell again.

When I walk into the kitchen, well first I see a lot of candles. Then, I smell spaghetti. Then, I see him.

"Finn!" I laugh as I jump into his arms.

He holds me for a second and lets me go. "Hey Rach, I made us a romantic dinner. I just thought that you're carrying a child for me and the least I could do is make you a nice dinner."

"Finn, that is really adorable. I-I love you." I say as I look down, not knowing if he heard me say the last part.

He holds my chin in his hands and looks m straight in the eyes, "I love you too."

I hug him as tight as I can. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.


omg so in Lea Michele's interview on Ellen after Cory's passing, she was saying that she felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be with Cory. He was such a nice and kind soul! I wish I could have had to appreciate him more before he passed.

So yeah that's why I included that.

I'm gonna drown in my tears so bye!

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