Chapter 10

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The rest of the week went by unusually fast. Finn and I studied together after school for the rest of the week and it was pretty quiet in Glee Club. 

The most surprising part of my week, is how much Quinn and I talked. I never really noticed how many classes her and I are in. Usually, she is snickering behind my back, but now she actually talks to me! I thought of her as the typical blonde popular girl with a perfect life, but boy was I wrong. She tells me more about herself everyday and everyday I find new interesting things about Quinn Fabray. 

I am very interested about her home life. She tells me how pressured she is by them. Quinn has a older sister, but I do not know a lot about her. Apparently, her sister is the "perfect blonde." Her sister, named Anna, played field hockey, did cheerleading, managed to get Honor Roll every quarter, and had a part-time job. Quinn always had heartbreak in her eyes as she talked about this topic. I want to know more, but I know it hurts her to talk about it. There must be something that she is not telling me. 

"Rachel?" Quinn snaps me out of my thinking. 


"I was wondering, do you want to come over after school today?" 

"Sure! I would love that!" 

The bell rings and Quinn and I depart. As I am walking down the hallway, Finn accidentally runs into me. Literally. 

"Hey!" I yell as my books fall out of my hands. 

"Oh! I'm sorry! Oh it's Rachel," Finn says. 

We stop to have a conversation for a while, but I get slushied by one of the football players. 

"Hope your baby like grape!" One of them yells at me. 

While I stand there, startled, Finn runs the football player into the lockers. This escalates into a full-on fight, very quickly, I might add. As I try to make my way through the crowd of people surrounding them, I hear Mr.Schuester break it up. 

"Hey! Hey! What's going on?" Mr. Schue yells. 

"He slushied my girlfriend! She's carrying a child, why can't you leave her alone? If you hate me, then slushy me! Don't bring her into this!" Finn yells at the football player. 

The football player goes to punch Finn directly in the face, but Finn tries to block it too late. The fist connects with his face, and Finn falls to the ground. Mr. Schue goes to his aid immediately, and so do I. I crouched down to Finn. 

"Finn! Are you okay?" I ask, cleaning up the blood with my sleeve. 

"No, no I'm fine. How are you? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" Finn asks worriedly. 

"Finn, it's just a slushy. You, on the other hand, you got punched. Come on." I tell Finn. 

While we are walking away, I tell Mr. Schuester we are going home early to treat Finn. He nods and we walk out. The afternoon consists of us laughing, and playing around. 

"Oh man! I promised I would go to Quinn's this afternoon. Sorry Finn, I gotta go." I apologize. 

"Oh Rachel, but look I am injured and I need help. You need to stay and help. Doesn't she hate you anyways?" Finn asks. 

"We're becoming good friends actually. Why'd you ever break-up with her?" I joke as I walk out of the door. 

While I'm getting into the car, Finn opens the window and says, "So I could be with you!"

We both yell our, 'I love you's at each other as I leave. 

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