Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Currently, it's been a full two months of Rachel being pregnant! I just thought I should tell you, so you have a perspective of how long it's been since the start of the book.

Okay, this is an emotional chapter for Rachel and this song summed up the chapter perfectly. If you watch the video, just ignore the parts with Kurt, Finn, and Puck. (Aw the Finchel part in this video is making me tear up ;(


"Puck, it's been a week and I don't think Finn told Rachel. I need to tell her," I decide. It's what best friends do.

"I can confirm he hasn't told her. He would have told me," Noah confirms.

"Why would Finn do this to her? She's carrying his child!" I yell. It just seems...un-Finn like. He usually is always the perfect guy. Finn is loyal and caring. One of a kind.

"I don't know what has gotten into him. Maybe he's in a funk...but, Santana is pretty tempting..." Puck admits, licking his lips.

I groan, tilting my head back. He laughs as I close my locker in his face. While I'm walking away, I feel Finn's eyes on me. I know he knows what I am doing. Rachel's locker is diagonal from his, so I wait for her at it. Finn is still staring at me, but I don't care. I'm her best friend, I need to do this.


I hold the tears back. Don't embarrass yourself, Rachel. Quinn informed me that Finn cheated on me with Santana. Instead of crying, I run away from my locker. Quinn and Finn both call after me as I run away.

How could Finn do this to me? What did I do to deserve this?

Once Finn catches up to me, he grabs my arm. I try to not turn around, but I can't resist it. His face is unreadable.

"Rachel, wait-"

"Finn, what could you possibly have to say to me? You're sorry? I don't want to hear it. Quinn told me that she waited a week to tell me! How long has this been going on, Finn?" I yell.

"It happened about a month ago."

Instead of letting him see me cry, I pull away from his grasp. I was wrong, Finn is not the perfect guy. Everyone has flaws. I guess I learned the hard way.

I LEFT SCHOOL. Now, I'm just sitting at home, lounging around in my pajamas, binge watching The Big Bang Theory. I feel like Finn pulled my heart out of my chest and squeezed it right in front of me. I have an example of what I'm talking about.

Think about Jurassic Park. Think about how when all of them arrive at the island, they feel fine. The kids are excited to see the dinosaurs, and Alan is ready to see what he's spent his whole life doing. It's all good, right up until the T-Rex is released and suddenly starts to eat everyone. Today, I was feeling perfectly fine until Quinn told me that Finn was cheating on me with Santana. The only thing is that I'm still alive, but they aren't.

The seventh episode starts up when my phone vibrates on my nightstand table. I look over and see a glimpse of Quinn's name. Groaning, I grab my phone and see what she has to say.

Rachel, did you forget who you are? You are a smart, determined, beautiful girl. Use this as an opportunity for something great :)

I smile at her attempt to make me feel better. Wait, she's right. I never let any situation stop me. This is a perfect opportunity to practice my scales and go on the elliptical! I just have to put my emotions into my work. Just like Barbra...

"RACHEL, how was your day?" One of my dads asks me. I ponder telling him the truth. Should I? I should always be truthful to my parents, but this is different.

"Finn...well, I found out that Finn cheated on me.."

Both of my dads drop their forks. They look at each other, unsure of what to say to me. I am in a depressed state, which does not happen very much.

"I'm...very sorry to hear that, Rachel."

I nod my head wordlessly.


Oh my goodness! Is Finchel over? My OTP!

I love this song so much because I know Rachel was going through a rough time during this part of the show (no spoilers). It perfectly sums up how she is feeling in this chapter.

Aw Rachel, I'm so sorry I had to do this to you.

Next Update: Wednesday/Thursday

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