Chapter 6

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"Rachel, Finn's here to see you!" My dad yells up the stairs. 

"Send him up!" I reply. 

Finn has been coming over a lot lately. I always help him with homework and studying. In return, he helps me with things I need help with. It's a balanced relationship. 

"Hey, I can't figure out this math problem. Work has been driving me crazy, too. Burt needs me to do this, and then this and this, it just gets  annoying. It's also in the way of my grades. My grades keep lowering. This isn't working." Finn explains. 

"Don't worry. Uh, how about we talk Mr.Schue and he can talk to some of the teachers to cut down on homework?" I suggest. 

Finn nods and I explain to him how to solve the math problem. He has been struggling with his academics. He had a couple A's and two B's, but now he has three C's and a couple A's and B's. I check his grades often. Someone has to look out for him! 

As I help Finn with his reading, I fall asleep on his lap. The next morning I wake up with Finn gone. I guess he went home after I fell asleep. Which means he did not finish his homework. I have to help him before school. I drive to his house and knock on the door. 

"Oh, hey Rachel! Are you here to see Finn?" Mrs.Hudson asks. 

"Yes, is he still sleeping?" I question Kurt. 

"Knowing Finn, probably." Mrs.Hudson remarks. 

I nod and head upstairs. Finn is, sure enough, still sleeping. I look at his cluttered desk and see his unfinished Language Arts and Spanish homework. Oh dear. 

"Finn, wake up!" I whisper while subtly shaking him. 

He moans and groans and after about 2 minutes, he wakes up. 

"Come on, we gotta finish your homework!" I tell him. 

"Oh, my homework! Yeah, I need to do that." He agrees.

20 minutes consist of finishing his homework and arguing, but we got it completed. Finn and I are working together to have this baby. We will successfully do this. With the help of Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury, we can do this!

Glee Club today was horrible. Santana and Quinn have  been very mean to me. All they do nowadays is make fun of me and boss everyone around. It's grossing out my baby. Hopefully, in the end, they will see the light and help me and not put negative thoughts everywhere. 

"Rachel, can I speak to you about something?" Quinn asks at the end of Glee Club. 

"If you're going to insult me, I am not interested." I groaned. 

"Hear me out, I am sorry for how much I have been mean to you these last few weeks. I should feel sympathy for you. You are going through a lot right now, and I am sorry. I have no idea what it's like to have a child." Quinn admits.  

"Wow, Quinn. I accept your apology. Thank you." I reply. 

After school, I meet Kurt at his house, like I said I would. 

"Hey Kurt, what did you want me to meet you here for?" I ask, while sitting on his perfectly made bed. 

"Your clothes will not fit you while you are with child," Kurt bluntly puts and I nod,"so, we are going maternity clothes shopping! This isn't my first time, so you are in good hands! If you need any help with clothes during these nine months, call me up!"

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