Chapter 4

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This question has been lingering in my mind all week- Finn or Jesse? Jesse would be the right choice because I mean, he is my boyfriend. He's responsible and I know he will be able to support this family. On the other hand, Finn is just downright amazing. I love him. I think he's my person.

"Rachel, pay attention! Does this tie look better with this shirt or this shirt? Oh who am I kidding, this pattern is so last season. I can't believe I even have this in my closet! What a waste of closet space!" Kurt yells, flinging his newly ironed, no wrinkles in sight blue shirt.

Oh great, I zoned out again. Boy, what was Kurt talking about? Maybe Patti Lupune's interview last week? I'll just change the subject, so it won't matter.

"Oh my gosh, Kurt. Did you hear about that new Cheerio? I heard she rude and self-centered." I blurt.

"You mean the whole squad?" Kurt jokes and sits down on his brown leather love seat.

"So, I heard this girl at school got pregnant. Her life is going downhill fast. In 9 months to be exact. How can a teenage girl take care of herself, school, her social life, and a baby? It's crazy how stupid girls are these days!" Kurt blabbers on.

My face heats up and I start to get nervous. My palms are sweaty. Does he know? Does everyone know and I'm just oblivious! Oh no! I think Kurt noticed how red my face was!

"Rachel, I know. You can't keep anything from me! I overhead Finn pacing in his room and I heard bits and pieces of what he was saying." Kurt confessed.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what to do! Jesse is the smart choice, but Finn is my person! I need help! Why me!" I bawl.

Kurt holds me as I cry and Finn calls me.

"Finn?" I ask.

"Yeah, Rachel." Finn answers.

"I'm so sorry I dragged you into this. I'll just choose Jesse as the father so you don't have to go through this-" I begin.

"Hey, Rachel. I love you and I will do anything to help you. I can take care of our baby." Finn reassures me.

Kurt silently leaves the room so Finn and I can talk alone.

"How about we both get jobs, so we can pay for all the medical bills. I can't send them to my house, so how about to yours. Then, you and Kurt can look out for them as well. " I suggest.

Finn agrees and I wish I could be in his arms. I always feel at home when I'm in his arms.

AS I WALK through the halls at school, there's something different. Everyone is staring at me, giving me looks, as I walk. Oh no! Did I forget to wear pants! I look down. Phew, I'm fully clothed. My hair is combed. I brushed my teeth. What did I do?

I walk into the choir room and Quinn and Santana whisper as I sit down. Tina holds her hand over her mouth and Finn comes to sit down next to me.

"Okay, why is everyone staring at me?" I suddenly question.

"Check your baby bump, preggo." Santana finally answers me after a couple of seconds.

OH NO! It's starting to become noticeable! My worst nightmare has come true! I was hoping I would have more time to tell people about this so they wouldn't find out this way. The whole Glee Club is shocked.

"So when are you gonna tell Jesse the truth that Finn is the father? Huh, Rachel?" Santana pokes at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I slowly respond.

"Is that true?" Jesse asks with a stern face.

Finn sinks down in his seat and I get up.

"Get out of my business Santana! You don't know what I'm dealing with!" I scream at her.

Mr. Schuester puts his hand on my shoulder and walks me to the guidance counselor, Miss Pillsbury.

"Why hello there Rachel! What brings me the pleasure?" Miss Pillsbury kindly asks.

"I'm pregnant. I don't want my dads to know. Not yet. Not at all." I whisper the last part.

Miss Pillsbury gasps and looks at Mr.Schuester. He shrugs and she looks back at me.

"Rachel, teen pregnancy is a big deal. That is why Will and I are going to help you. We'll help you pay for everything. We'll be like the supporting parents you don't have." She smiles warmly at me.

"That's a great idea, Miss Pillsbury! I'm in." Mr. Schuester agrees.

I nod and I realize that I have to have Jesse or Finn in here to help.

It's a quick decision, but one that I know that is right. I choose Finn.




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Bye lovelies!

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