Chapter 36

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WHEN FINN AND I walked into the school the next day, I felt embarrassed. I'm about 99% sure everyone knows what happened, courtesy of Santana and Brittany. On the drive over, Finn constantly reassured me that everything was going to be fine, and besides, Sarah Locke cheated on her boyfriend and there was a fight. In simpler words, I am old news. 

"Hey Rachel, how's your face?" Kurt asks with no sign of concern. Though the question was directed towards me, somehow Kurt's eyes were glued to Finn.

"She's trudging through it. You know Rachel, she's a trooper," Finn says, feeling quite awkward.

"Uh-huh. Okay. Anyways, Finn, can I speak with you alone?" Kurt questions, ignoring the icy glares I'm sending him. I direct my glares toward Finn now, hoping to help him decide what he should say next.

"Uh, sure.." Finn replies, walking with Kurt to his locker. I'm left alone in the middle of the hallway feeling helpless and vulnerable.

"I am totally sorry for you, Rachel. I can't believe Finn would leave you for Kurt. What a bummer!" My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I take a second to stare at the random student who spoke to me, and then the locker where Kurt and Finn were just speaking. Confusedly, my head snaps in the other direction, my eyes scanning for Finn. The dull, loud bell rings and I storm off into the direction of the choir room.

Reaching the choir room, I find Kurt and Finn already sitting down next to each other. I approach Finn, searching for the perfect song to sing to express my anger.

"Hey...Finn, can I speak with you alone?" I ask, ignoring Kurt. Finn gets up and we sit down in our usual seats, front, and center. 

"Well? What did you guys talk about?" I question, feeling the need to know.

"Uh, Kurt made me choose between dating you or being his friend..." Finn reveals, not being able to look me in the eye.

Hysterically laughing, I look over to Kurt, sulking in his chair at the sound of my loud laugh. Finn grabs ahold of my bicep, sending me a confused look. I should be the one with the confused look. Why is Kurt trying to steal my man? Why is Finn trying to stop me? He wouldn't dare be trying to protect Kurt's feelings, would he?

"Why should I stop?" I ask. Finn rolls his eyes, but I pretend I didn't take notice.

"Finn, we are clear that you are picking me, right?" I question, loud enough that Kurt could hear me.

I open my mouth to speak, but I am immediately interrupted by Mr. Schuester walking in and clapping his hands, signaling the start of class.

"Okay! Santana, quick, name a musical icon!" He points to Santana, who immediately responds with, "Whitney Houston."

"While I will admit Whitney is a queen, I wouldn't consider her a "musical icon." I mean, let's think about it. When you say musical, do you mean the great Broadway?" I explain, my face lighting up as I say the word Broadway itself. Hearing a few groans from the back of the classroom, I sink in my red, plastic chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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