Chapter 7

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The school day went very fast. Perhaps it is because I am not very excited to go shopping with Kurt. I don't want to get fat!

"So, do you feel different?" Kurt bluntly puts.

"Well, I definitely feel like I'm getting...bigger. And I'm starting to realize how many people stare at me. It stinks." I answer.

The car ride goes by fast. We talk about Celine Dion's best performances, which I'm guessing is to distract me from my pregnancy. At least I know he cares.

Once we arrive at the mall, I start to get nervous. This is actually happening, Rachel. I'm never going to get out of this town. I'm a Lima Loser!

"Okay, well purple definitely isn't you. How about black? Oh, your hair needs to be styled for this dress. Ooh, stretchy waistband! Oh Rachel, isn't this fun?" Kurt questions.

"Mhm." I lie.

He can't tell that I'm lying the whole time shopping. He is way too distracted by the clothes. I think he'd rather be in my position because of the clothes. I wish I felt that way about this.

"Rachel, don't you think I know you do not like shopping. It makes you depressed. You have nothing to be worried about, darling. I have you covered. I will buy you all of your maternity clothes. I will ship them to your house, Rachel. I want you to know that you have people who support you." Kurt explains.

"Thank you so much, Kurt. I really need a friend like you." I thank him.

"There will be something good to come out of this. Perhaps it's you and Finn being together. Besides, I heard child birth isn't that bad." Kurt adds humor to the situation.

He and I both laugh and tell horrible, embarrassing stories about ourselves the whole way home.

Once we arrive at his house to try the clothes on, Finn comes into Kurt's room, not realizing I was here with him.

"Oh, hi Rachel." Finn says.

"Hi Finn. I was just about to leave." I quickly say.

Finn and I had a fight a couple of days ago. We were talking about what we were going to do with the child after I have it. He wants to keep it, but I want to give it away. I have so much on my plate. My parents won't let me keep a baby! It's one thing to ask for a dog, but it's another thing to ask to keep a human baby!

He did make valid points, but I'm just not sure. Are we, high school students, able to handle a baby? We can't pay for all of that!

"Wait, Rachel, I got a job. We can take care of this baby, I swear. Trust me." Finn says.

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