Chapter 28

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R A C H E L ' S P . O . V .

"How could she do this to me?" I ask Finn, the first time I've spoken to him since he came into the auditorium. Finn really is like Superman. He always comes when I need him the most. Why'd I ever give him up? Oh yeah...

"I don't know, Rachel....I don't know."

After about a ten minutes of Finn telling me jokes to make me feel better, I decide that enough is enough. I do not want to be that girl who has guys sticking up for her. I need to do it myself.

"Where are you going?" Finn questions as I start to get up. "I'm doing what's right."

Walking to the cafeteria was hard enough. Now, I actually have to see people after I've been crying for what feels like forever. Once I walk in, everyone goes silent. I even heard someone drop their fork. Looking at everyone, I notice some familiar faces talking to Sydney. The whole Glee Club.

I rush over to them and say, "Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

"Only I'm good at making fun of you.." Santana sarcastically remarks.

"I wouldn't let my best friend be thrown around like that!" Kurt cheered. Now that I think about it, ever since I left McKinley, my life has been full of drama. I think it's time I go back home, but not quite yet...

"Oh whoopee! Rachel's friends came back to help her and saved the day! But, uh, are you guys not the reason Rachel came here in the first place?" Sydney hissed. I almost forgot she was even here. I look around at my McKinley friends..I do get annoyed at them sometimes, but I know that they will be there for me during my pregnancy.

Later that night, I invited everyone over to have a nice dinner for all of their kindness. All around me are people who love and accept me for who I am. My dads are out tonight anyways, so it's going to be great.

"So, is like, drinking bad for the baby?" Puck curiously inspecting my stomach. I laugh at his lack of understanding of what actually happens to the inside of my stomach.

"Yes, Puckerman. It's bad," I answer, rubbing my stomach.

"Have you thought of the baby's name?" Mike inquires, and I look over to Finn. I actually never thought of that, should I have? Maybe it's a spur of the moment thing..

"No, I haven't. I mean, I guess I should start looking for one that I like the most." Finn walks his way over to me and pulls me to the side.

"Did you think about whether you're coming back to McKinley yet?" Finn whispers.

"Not yet..I'm not sure whether I should leave such a great school like Carmel and Jesse is treating me so well.." I trail off. "Well maybe this would change your mind.." Finn responded, walking towards the microphone and karaoke set.

He grabs the microphone and gains everyone's attention. The slow music starts and his voice sounds like heaven....

A/N: The song Finn sings in this chapter is "Just The Way You Are."  If you guys are wondering, Rachel is about 5 months pregnant, and I promise, it's about to get exciting. Next Update might be this week, but I'm not sure because I have state testing most of the week.

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