Chapter 12

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"Mmm..this is delicious!" I compliment the chef.

"Why thank you! I tried very hard to make this. I was hoping it wouldn't turn out to be like my dancing.." Finn jokes.

While we eat, I notice that in the background, very faint romantic music is playing. How romantic!

"Finn, are you playing romantic music?" I ask with a smirk.

His face burns up, "Uh yeah, I thought it would be a nice touch."

I laugh at him being embarrassed and walk over to where Finn is seated.

"I think it is adorable, Finn," I commented.

Finn looked distracted for a minute, and I questioned him. He simply smiled and said, 'I love you.' I was suspicious for a little, but he distracted me with dancing to the music.

ABOUT TWO HOURS LATER, Finn and I were cuddling by the TV and watching old Glee Sectionals and Regionals. Wow, they were really good. I hope we can pull it off.  Finn noticed how my eyebrows furrowed together and looked down.

"Hey Rach, it'll be okay. Our Glee Club looks amazing."

I nodded and pecked him on the cheek. It will be okay, I have Finn, I have friends, and I have this little bundle of joy inside of me.

Finn's POV

I looked Rachel and I suddenly felt regret. I know what I did was wrong and Rachel doesn't deserve me. Rachel deserves a man who is trustworthy and is loyal to her. I mean, for God's sake, she is carrying my child. She is going through so much pain and plastering a smile on her face.

She deserves someone who wouldn't cheat on her with Santana.


Ugh, this smells terrible. The guys on the Football team smell horrible.

"Hey man."

The Football players all greet me as I walk through the locker room. Suddenly, I see Puck hanging with the other players.

"Puck!" I yell to get his attention.

He nods in my direction and I walk over. I politely ask them to leave us alone for a minute and they spread like the Red Sea. I puff my chest, one of the perks of being popular.

"Puck, I need to confess something," I tell him.

"Sure, bro, what is it? Wait, is it about Rachel, because I swear that wasn't me-" Puck starts.

"No, wait what?" I interrupt him and he shrugs, "Anyways, I need to get something off my chest: The rumors are true, I kissed Santana. It didn't get anywhere, she just kinda came onto me."

"Woah, bro. How could you betray Rachel? Dude, you love her! What are you gonna do?" Puck worriedly asks.

I sigh, I really stepped in it this time. How could I do that to Rachel? I do love her!


I realize where I am, and it's kissing Rachel on her couch. I don't feel right. This doesn't feel right. I have to tell her.

"Rachel-" I start.

"Wait, I have to tell you something Finn."

"I think I am the luckiest girl in the world when I am with you. I love you, Finn." Rachel confesses.

"Well, me too, Rach."

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