Chapter 2

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I hear a knock on the door. Oh no. My dads weren't supposed to be home until at least 5. I look at the clock in the bathroom. 3:20

"Hello?" I worriedly ask.

"Hi, sweetie pie!" My dad greets me.

"Uh, I'm having really bad stomach pains from the bad burritos at school today. I'll be downstairs in a couple of minutes." I lie.

"But you always pack, honey." My dad insists.

"I didn't today." I sternly respond.

No response. I hear the clicks of his work shoes on the stairs. Phew. How do I depose of this? No one can see this! I wrap it in toilet paper and carry it out of the bathroom.

I WALK INTO school, with a lower self-esteem than ever. Jesse, who looks like he got no sleep, is pacing at my locker. His eyes are droopy and his clothes are, well let's just say Kurt is seriously cringing.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, worriedly.

"No! How are you so calm? You are with child! We are going to be parents." Jesse asks, confused.

"It's like going on stage for your big opening night. Worrying only makes it worse. You just have to be calm. We have 9 months to figure this out." I reply.

As I finish my sentence, Finn walks over and requests to speak to me alone.

"How are you?" Finn asks.

"I'm-I'm uh fine. What makes you ask that?" I reposition myself. Does he know? Who told him? Does everyone else know?

"You didn't accept that solo yesterday, Rachel. Something is up. I may be a little stupid sometimes, but when it comes to my girl, I'm not." Finn reveals.

He's right. It is unusual for me to deny a solo, but I really was not feeling it yesterday.

"I'm fine, I swear." I sternly say and walk away to my next class.

"WHAT IS up with Rachel?" Kurt asks Mercedes, while fixing his scarf.

All throughout the Glee Club, there has been questions and rumors about me.

"Alright kids, how about we start doing the choreography for sectionals!" Mr.Schuester announces.

I tiredly get up and start dancing, but can't finish the dance. My stomach pains are getting worse. It'll be worth it. For my child.

I meet Jesse at his locker. "Thank you so much for covering me in Glee Club. I can't let anyone else know. It'll be complete terror." I grumbled.

"Hey Rachel, I know you don't want me to tell anyone about this, but can I tell Finn? He won't tell anyone, I swear." Jesse questions.

"NO!" I boomed.

"I mean, uh no. I'd rather you not. It would be a bad idea." I quietly advised.

"Oh, fine. I guess you don't have the same trust for him as I do." Jesse mutters as he walks away.

T H I R D P E R S O N 'S P . O . V.
"Finn, can I tell you something? You have to promise not to tell a single soul!" Jesse told Finn.

"Yeah, you can tell me anything. I promise I won't tell." Finn promised.

"Rachel's pregnant." Jesse blurted.

Finn was speechless. There were no words to describe his emotions. Finn immediately knew he was the father. There was no way Rachel let Jesse get past second base with her.

"Oh man." Finn finally said.

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