Chapter 33

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When I got home that day, Finn was found lying on the bed sulking.

"Finn, are you okay? I don't want you to be sad," I tell him, rubbing his back.

"It's just..I wonder who would do this to me? People can be so mean."

He sheds a tear or two until it turns into a full cry. I let him hold me and cry onto my shoulder. I tell him it's going to be okay, but in reality, I don't know what's going to happen.

"How is he?" His mom asks once I get downstairs.

"He's...okay, just wondering who would do this to him. I'm wondering too.."

"There are too many suspects to figure this out. Who does Kurt think started it?" She questions.

"He thinks one of the Cheerio's started it. Kurt thinks they're all out to get him," I reply.

"Well, you know who you're not suspecting? Didn't you say Kurt had a crush on Finn?"

"You're a genius, Mrs.Hudson! How didn't I think of that? I need to call Quinn!"

I ran right upstairs and called Quinn.

"Quinn! I think I found our main suspect!"

QUINN AND I STARTED to notice the little things Kurt does to talk to Finn. He drops things near Finn, classic. He begins to stop "understanding" the subjects that Finn is best at. He even tried out for the football team! This is not okay, this is getting worse everyday.

"I think you should say something to Kurt. He's hitting on your man!" Quinn suggests.

"I promised Finn that I wouldn't say anything or be mean to Kurt because of this!" I told her.

"Nobody ever kept their man by playing it safe..." Quinn jokes.

"But really, do you think I should talk to Kurt about it? Maybe if I did secretly, he could give me answers without even realizing it!"

"I don't know if that would work. He's not stupid, Rachel. Maybe if you started showing to him that Finn is your man!" Quinn exclaims.

"Well, if you really think it's going to work, then there's no shame in trying!" I shrugged.

What is up with Kurt? I really thought he had feelings for Mercedes. We even told her that he did....awkward. I'll just have to be very careful about what I do in front of Finn. He wouldn't like this at all. It's puts him in an uncomfortable situation. I walk downstairs to Finn, and what a surprise, he's still lying there.

"Finn, do you think that Kurt might have done this?" I ask, quietly.

"What? Why in the world would he do that? Rach, he's a good guy," Finn defends, lifting his head up for the first time.

"Who does this rumor benefit? Him! He would win in this situation, Finn. What don't you see?" I yell.

Finn gets up from the couch, grabs his coat, and walks out the door. I sit back down, laying my head in my hands. What will make him see? I don't know what to do anymore.

I'll just have to make him see.

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