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So, I got tagged to do this challenge thing or it goes...

Relationship Status: well, he's gonna kill me, but I'm actually in a relationship with Han Solo and Captain Hook (Killian Jones). shh, don't tell him!

Creepiest Thing: uh..well I'm actually scared of everything, so I've had many scary encounters.

Worst Fear: I think my worst fear is regret. I never want to be on my death bed thinking, "I wish I did.." That scares me.

Best Day of My Life: hmm...I am very grateful to have a lot of best days. My best day of my life would probably be when I first went to Disney World. That was ten years ago, but the thought still works, right?

Loved and Lost: the biggest lost I've ever had occurred before I was born. I lost 3 out of my 4 grandparents before I was born, and then the last one died 7 years ago. It didn't affect me then, but now it does whenever someone mentions like a grandparent. R.I.P. all of my grandparents.

Worst Day Ever: probably when I found out my dog had died. She was my closest friend. (oh wow, while I'm typing this emotional paragraph, my other dog just climbed on me, sniffed me, and left.)

Birthday: February 7

Last Time Someone Broke Your Heart: uhh...I don't really know. actually, I do know, I just don't want to share it.

So, that's it! Thank for reading this fun, little challenge and I'll do my regular chapter next weekend.

I tag anyone who reads this and wants to do it. Feel free to tag me in it so I can see what you put. Enjoy your week!

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