Chapter 8

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"I now work at the library. I think they only accepted me because I could put books on the high shelves." Finn admits.

I hug him and laugh. I hope his humor never goes away.

"It's a start. We can raise this baby together. I mean, we're responsible, mature, and uh..." Finn starts.

"I get it." I chuckle.

Finn and I walk upstairs to the door and he leads me outside.

"Thank you, Finn. I mean, if I picked anyone else for this baby, I would have been wrong." I say.

He leans down to kiss me and I go onto my tippy toes. His lips taste like cherry, which is quite unusual for Finn, but I let it go. Maybe he had cherry ice cream? Finn wouldn't cheat on me, would he?

THE NEXT MORNING, I enter Glee Club with a new found confidence, maybe it's my new maternity clothes? Kurt already complimented me when I walked inside, and so did Tina, Artie, and Mercedes. It definitely made me feel better after my dad's almost finding out about my "problem." They asked me about my new clothes and they almost saw the tag! It's from a store named, "Maternity For Teens."

Once I sit down, Santana and Brittany sit around me. How unusual!

"Hello, Brittany and Santana! What can I help you with?" I politely ask.

"Listen, dwarf. You dress like a ugly schoolgirl and I do not see how Finn is into you. Or even Jesse. Or Puck! Anyways, I need you to stay away from him. You are the only thing standing in my way of getting him. The most popular guy in school needs me. I need him!" Santana complains.

"Santana, in case you haven't noticed, I am with his child. He is not gonna leave me, for...for you! Finn is a man of honor. So, you can just back off." I simply reply.

"Well, you should probably check on that again because he already left you. Oh! Rachel, you should try this new lipstick, it tastes like cherry!" Santana chuckles.

I gasp a little and fix my posture. Never slack, Rachel. I get up, but I am interrupted by Mr.Schuester beginning to talk about Sectionals. I stare over at Finn and I see Santana giving me a death stare. Ugh. Why are girls so mean?

As I walk out of the room, I feel someone staring at me. Oh gosh, it's Santana. I turn around and clear my voice.

"Listen Santana, instead of giving me the death stare the whole class, SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY!" I yell.

"Stay away from Finn!" Santana yells back.

"Rachel, Rachel, what's going on?" Finn holds me and looks in my eyes.

"Finn, tell me the truth! Are you cheating on me with Santana?" I question.

"What? I would never do something like that!" Finn gasped.

"See? He wouldn't do that to me!" I laugh.

Santana walks out of the classroom with Brittany and I let out a sigh of relief. I trust Finn, but I mean he's a teenage boy and has desires. Would he do that to me?

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