Chapter 23

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Q U I N N ' S P . O . V .

"Puck, we need a new way to get Rachel to come back. She's been gone for too long, and I actually think she might be gone for good," I told Puck as I pulled binders out of my locker.

"True. Honestly, I thought this whole thing would blow over in a week or so, but I got to give her credit. She's been gone for a long time," He replies, checking out every girl walking by.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Finn asks.

"Nothing, just our plans for the weekend," I lie.

"Guys, I am okay with Rachel. You can act normal around me!" Finn explains, but I know he doesn't feel that way. He just wants to make us feel better and think he's okay. I see it in his eyes when we talk about the old Glee Club or Barbra Streisand.

As the three of us walk into the choir room, Santana and Brittany stop talking. It's obvious that she and Brittany have been mad at us since Rachel left. She just thinks Rachel is making a big deal about one kiss.

R A C H E L ' S P . O . V .

Seeing Jesse this morning was definitely hard. He looked hurt that I ran away yesterday. I tried to apologize, but he didn't take it. He apologized instead and said it was his fault. During lunch, I looked through my social media. Santana posted a picture of her and Finn hugging in the choir room. They looked so..happy and joyful.

I instantly felt the hot tears roll down my face. My friends looked concerned when they saw me crying, but I ran out fast enough to avoid their questions. I looked down the hallways and found a bathroom close enough. All of the stalls were empty, luckily.

AFTER MISSING two classes, Jesse went around looking for me. He heard someone crying in the bathroom and came in. When he first saw me, he gasped and ran over to help me.

"Rachel, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asked, wiping away my tears.

"I'm not over Finn. I miss his touch, his voice, his...everything," I explained.

Jesse held me as I cried into his arms. He comforted me and told me everything was going to be okay. "Jesse, you're missing rehearsal. I think I might just go home and not waste your time."

"I would much rather make you feel better than practicing the same stupid dance routine for three hours. You are so much better than you think you are. Never forget you are the girl who can belt out a note for 20 seconds!" Jesse reminded me.

"I'm so glad I have a friend like you," I said as we hugged. When we let go, I noticed there was still that feeling of hurt in his eyes. I don't know what happened, but it really intrigued me.

"Jesse, are you okay? You look sad," I told him. He shrugged it off as if nothing was wrong.

We were both silent and staring into each other's eyes. It was like something changed in this moment. I needed to get Finn out of my mind, so I leaned in and kissed him. It definitely does not feel the same as kissing Finn, but it brought back old memories. Memories of the romantic duets we used to sing all the time and memories of our love lingered in my mind.


Hey! I took a lonng break, but now I am back! It was so relaxing to not have a feeling of needing to update, but I missed writing this book.

Next Update will be the middle of this week hopefully!

Video Credit to: Sarah Warner from Youtube!

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