Chapter 32

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"You would not believe how Lilian broke her leg the other day! Rumor has it, Gina pushed her off the bleachers because Lilian got caught with Fred, Gina's ex!" Kurt spilled.

I rolled my eyes. Who even cares about gossip anymore?

"Rachel, listen to this! While you were away, the Glee Club performed in front of the school and Jacob did an article about it! Read it, read it!"

I grabbed that computer faster than you could say Jacob Ben Israel.

The Glee Club is at it again with the bad performances. Asian #1 was okay, but at least, Asian #2 is a dancer. Not a good dancer, just a dancer. "The Quarterback" needs to stick to football, and the head cheerleader needs to stay backstage. Luckily, big-nosed stayed home and saved us some pain. Rumor has it, she's preggers and that means we can have some days of mercy.

"What? That's what the school thinks of me? They're happy that I'm going through all this pain?" I asked, getting angry.

"Rachel, you don't need to get mad. It's just Jacob, he does it for the reads," Tina said.

"No! I'm going to go talk to him! He won't get away with this!"

Storming out of the classroom, I find Jacob and grab him by the shirt collar.

"Who do you think you are? Have you ever carried a baby?" I yell in his face.

"N-N-No ma'am!" He squirms.

KURT AND the others had to pull me away from Jacob before a teacher saw. Needless to say, Jacob took the down that article. I can't believe how two sentences could put me over the edge like that! I've never cared this much before about what people think of me. It must be the hormones.

While I was doing my homework, Kurt called the house. I picked up and he asked to talk to Finn..again. Kurt called once every night at around 4:10 and asks Finn about the homework. Kurt keeps the conversation going for another 20 minutes about who knows what.

"Finn, Kurt's on the phone," I tell him.

"Do I have to take it?" He mouths to me. I shrug and tell Kurt that Finn is busy.

"Well that's okay, when will he be done? I can just talk to you for the time being," Kurt asks.

"Uhm, I don't know. How about I call you back when he's ready?" I offered, really hoping he'd say okay. He did, and I hung up.

"What is up with that, Finn? Should I be worried?" I joked.

"Kurt has always been crushing on me. You didn't know?" Finn tells me.

"What? I didn't know that! How do you know?" I gasp.

"Word goes around. Wow, I can't believe you didn't know..."

"Finn, you can't just leave him hanging on. Give him closure!" I said.

"I'm not going to tell him that I don't like him! That would be just rude!"

"Fine, then maybe I will.."

"Rachel! Promise me you will not say anything or be mean to him because of this," Finn demands.

"Fine, I won't. I...promise."

I GLARE AT Kurt in the French room. How dare he try to make a move on my boyfriend? This will not end well, I'll tell you that. He cannot just swoop in and take my boyfriend. He is the father of my unborn child!

"Did you hear?" Quinn asks with a nervous look on her face.

"Hear what..?"

Quinn takes a few steps back and begins to unlock her locker.

"What are you waiting for? Tell me!" I demand, snapping my fingers at her.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you...Word got around that Kurt and Finn hooked up or something last weekend and now everyone is making fun of Finn. He left school early, so I'm giving you a ride home today."

I'm shocked. Who would spread a rumor like that? Who's life is not exciting enough that they have to lie to everyone and make people feel bad? All of a sudden, I realize why everyone was staring at me this morning. I shook it off as usual, but they just wouldn't stop staring and whispering. I thought they would be over the pregnancy thing by now, but it wasn't that.

"Oh no! I better call him during lunch. I feel terrible! I wonder who spread the rumor though," I said to Quinn.

"Let's make it our mission to figure out who it was. But, where do we start?" Quinn wonders.

"Why don't we ask Kurt first?" I suggest, "I'll meet you in the lunchroom. I gotta call Finn."

"Finn? Are you okay? I heard what happened," I said into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay."

"Do you want me to come home with you?"

"No, I'm fine. We can talk when you get home."

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