Chapter 31

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Going to school that day felt...weird. Everybody was, still, staring at me, acting like it's recent news that I am, in fact, with child.

"Keep your head up, Rachel," Finn tells me, tilting my head up.

"I know, I know."

WWBD? (What Would Barbra Do?)

My classes were full of, 'you missed this' and 'you missed that!' I won't be able to go out until I'm 50! The only thing that makes me keep going is being able to see all my favorite Glee Club members.

When I walked into the choir room, everyone looked over at me, waited a few seconds, and screamed out of joy. It made me feel so much better that I was wanted in this world. These people are so kind to me that I feel like they're my family. Real family would accept this accident and deal with it. My Glee family did. My real family...well, you know how that went down. 

"It's so nice to see all of you!" I yelled, hugging every single one of them. 

"How are you?" Artie asked. 

"I heard your family hates you," Puck stated. 

I silently nodded, accepting the truth. I guess Finn told him, and now the whole Glee Club knows. 

"Puck!" Quinn scolded him. 

"To answer Artie's question, I'm fine." 

Mr.Schuester walked in the room and everyone scattered to their seats. I sat next to Quinn in the back, not feeling like singing this moment. 

"I know you're not fine, Rachel. It's okay, no one is making you. Just feel how you want to," Quinn told me. 

I wiped away a tear from my eye, holding her hand. 

"Thank you Quinn. You know, I really missed you. But forget about me, how are you and Noah?" I questioned, making her blush. 

"Oh, you know us. I really like him, but something is telling me he's gonna break my heart. I just don't want to go through that." 

"I see the way he looks at you Quinn. You may really like him, but he loves  you." 


"So, how was it?" Mrs. Hudson asked, cooking dinner. 

"It had it's ups and downs," I replied while looking through the millions of homework pages the teachers gave me. 

"That looks like a lot of homework!" She commented, laughing. 

I rolled my eyes at her laughing at my pain, when Finn walked down the stairs. He sat down right next to me, grabbing some of my papers. 


"I'm just looking at the papers, Rachel! Chill out!" 

"I just got all of them organized and you just come and ruin it!" I groaned, taking all of my papers upstairs. 

"You two will need to work out your issues before the child comes," Mrs.Hudson says. 

"We'll figure this out. We always do." Finn replies. 

Knocked Up-With Talent.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें