Chapter 18

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"Miss Rachel Berry, you may now start your audition," Miss Corcoran announces. I walk onto the stage and I feel different. It's definitely not the same as walking onto the McKinley High stage. That one looks puny compared to this one. This one is probably 3 times the size of the one at McKinley.

S H E L B Y ' S  P . O . V .

Her form is great. Standing up straight while she sings is a major plus. Not to mention her voice, it's amazing. The way she channels her inner emotions would be great for Vocal Adrenaline. They need someone who has passion, soul, and emotion. Rachel would be a great addition to our group.

Who am I kidding? I'm just ignoring the big elephant in the room. She's my daughter. Rachel Berry grew up to be all I expected of her.

Rachel has dreams as big as the Empire State Building. She has a voice that can back her up. She is perfect. I remember 16 years ago, I gave her up. That is one of the biggest regrets of my life.

Thousands of questions fly through my mind. Should I let her be apart of this group? If she is, I will have to spend more time with her. The more time I spend with her and she doesn't know I'm her mother, I will feel extremely guilty.

I don't realize it, but her performance is over and I have been staring at my clipboard for 30 seconds longer than I should have.

"That was excellent, Rachel Berry. You start tomorrow."

R A C H E L ' S P . O . V .

I felt amazing when I heard I got in. Usually, the coach would call me the next day, but I guess this isn't how it works in the real business. No more McKinley, this is professional. As I begin to fall asleep, I see Quinn's name appear on my phone.

"Quinn?" I ask, into the cell phone.

"Rachel! Oh, phew you picked up. I am really sorry for what I said the other day. You're right, I have no idea what it's like to be pregnant in high school!" She quickly responded.

Quinn and I instantly made up. It's so hard not having a best friend you can see everyday.

"How's Finn?" I ask, before my mind catches up with my mouth.

"Finn? Oh, well..Finn's fine. He's taking your loss really hard. Finn won't accept any solos unless they're with you."

I gasp slightly. He really cares about me. Well, us, I think as I look down at my growing belly.

"I miss him," I admit to Quinn. I really do miss him. I shouldn't be missing him for what he did, but I always find myself thinking of our good times.

"Rachel, you need to remember what he did! He cheated on you with Santana!" Quinn argues.

"You're completely right. I just can't help thinking of him all the time!"

MARIA AND FRANKIE approach me again as I walk to the auditorium. They begin telling me all about Vocal Adrenaline's crazy schedules and how they work out. I know all of this, but I just need to be distracted so I don't get too nervous.

"Thanks guys! I'll text you after rehearsal!" I yell to them as I walk into the auditorium. They both nod and walk off.

Jesse immediately spots me once I walk in and runs up to me. "Hi Rachel!"


Hey, here's a little update since I had a lot of time to write from the storm. I hope all of you are still okay and the storm didn't affect you that much.

Have a magical rest of your day!

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