Chapter 19

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"Hey Jesse!" I reply, nervous to see what the other members think of me.

As if Jesse could read my mind, he says, "Rachel, you can't be nervous. Trust me, you are better than all of them."

I smile at his compliment to me and walk over to the stage. I see a bunch of students older than me while they silently judge me. I look over to my right and see some kids the same age as me talking to Mrs.Corcoran.

"Alright kids, let's welcome the newest member of Vocal Adrenaline! This here is Rachel Berry!" She announces, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "Let's show her what we've been working on," Mrs.Corcoran demands.

I go to the seats in the auditorium and sit down in the front row. The music turns on and Jesse appears in the spotlight. He immediately starts off the song with a bang. Jesse is so talented and I am glad they show off his talent in this group. This song suits him so well.

When the song ends, I happily clap my hands and tell everyone how great they were, until Mrs.Corcoran showed up behind me.

"They were good..good doesn't beat other teams at Sectionals, Regionals, or Nationals. Now Rachel, I would like if you could sing a song for them to see why I put you in this group," She tells me. I nod my head and walk up to the stage. Jesse pats my back while he goes down to the seats and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Don't be nervous. You are better than all of them, remember?

ONCE I FINALLY get home, I just want to lay down on my bed, but my dad tells me there's someone here to see me. I groan and walk up to my room to find Puck sitting on my bed.

"Puckerman?" I ask, astonished.

"Hey, Rachel. How's the new school?" He questions, standing up.

"It's great. I feel like I finally belong somewhere."

"You do belong somewhere, McKinley. Rachel, you know I'm right-"

"Did Finn send you here?" I ask, knowing the answer already.

"Actually, this was all my idea. Do you know how...broken Finn is right now? First of all, he won't even talk to anyone. Second of all, he won't perform! At all!" Puck explains.

"Are you trying to make me feel guilty?"

"No, I'm not. Listen, I'm here to make a proposition. How about you come to McKinley tomorrow and if you promise you don't feel anything for Finn, I'll leave you alone. Deal?" Puck offers.


Sorry this chapter is so short, I just thought it should end before Rachel goes to McKinley. Are you all excited for that? She'll get to see everyone again!

Guys, I just want to thank every single one of you guys who are reading this. *virtual hug* Thank you so much for actually reading this book and making it reach 3K! I didn't actually think that any one of my books would even reach 1K, let alone 3K!

Glee is one of my favorite TV shows out there and I'm so glad I get to share some of my love for the show with fans everywhere. It's so cool that I am able to have that opportunity.

I have no idea when I'll update next, but hopefully it'll be soon.

The video I attached with this chapter is the song Jesse and Vocal Adrenaline performs called, "Another One Bites the Dust." Love this song! Oh, and don't mind the New Directions in the background of the video.

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