Chapter 1

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The reason I'm loving writing this series myself is because I can play around with the future of WWE, and I think that's kinda cool.

Just thought I'd put that out there.

Hall Of Fame Ceremony: April 2, 2016

With my arm looped around Seth's, we're stopped by an interviewer.

"Asher, who are you and Seth most looking forward to seeing get inducted tonight?" She holds the mic out to us.

I smile at her, and then glance at Seth. "Well I, personally, am finally glad to see Owen Hart take his spot among the other legends in the Hall Of Fame. It's way overdue, and very well-deserved."

Seth nods. "Definitely. Um, Sable. She helped usher in the Attitude Era for women, so it's fitting that she takes her place beside the likes of Stratus, Lita, and Blayze." He looks at me and gives a shake of his head. "And no I'm not saying that because of her bikini."

I scoff. "Sure you're not." I turn to the interviewer. "But I do agree with him. She was mostly used as a sex appeal, but that didn't stop her from making people pay attention to women more, and want to care about us. No matter what anyone says, she's a pioneer in her own right." I point a finger at Seth, remembering something. "And, technically, that wasn't a bikini. It was body paint."

He looks up as if he's thinking about it, then shrugs. "It was nice body paint." 

I elbow him in the ribs. "You were 12." 

"Exactly," he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes playfully. "I will not hesitate to call Brock over here." Sable is Brock's wife, and mentioning her negatively or even positively sometimes, could possibly end you up in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, Brock is a sweet guy. He's just very over-protective of his family.

Seth's smirk lightens up, and he winks at me, knowing I'm not joking. He turns back to the interviewer. "But in all seriousness, I'm very glad that Christian is finally getting the recognition that he deserves. I've always looked up to him as one of my inspirations, and I can't wait to hear Edge induct him."

I nod in agreement.

The interviewer nods too, bringing the mic back to her lips. "As we all know, you two are engaged. Can we see that gorgeous ring?"

I show it to her without hesitation. I loved knowing I was going to be Mrs. Rollins soon, and I wanted the world to know just how happy I was.

"It's beautiful," she tells me. "How's the wedding planning coming along?"

I bite my lip, hesitant to answer. "It's coming." I get nervous every time I'm asked about the wedding planning. I mean, we had picked out the venue and sent out invitations, but there's still so much more to be done in so little time. Like get a dress for that matter.

Seth, sensing that I'm uncomfortable with the question, answers her. "What Asher means to say is that the wedding is going to be perfect. After all," he looks down at me and pats my hand that's clutching his left arm. "We are getting married on my birthday. It'll be nothing less than perfect," he says, mostly trying to reassure me. He hates when I worry about even one little detail going wrong.

The interviewer smiles. "Thank you for your time." When she leaves, me and Seth make our way to our seats. We're sitting in the front row. I know for sure that mom and dad are sitting to the right of us, but I'm hoping my friends come and sit down to the left of us before someone else does.  

"Hey," Seth tells me when we sit down. "Don't let the questions worry you. Everything's going to be done in time, and if not." He shrugs. "We can always push it back."

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