Chapter 16

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The first thing I hear are voices.

"When do you think she'll wake up?"


"I don't know, I'm not the doctor, Ambrose."

Yeah, definitely Dean. And Dolph.

"Obviously not."

I see light shine through my eyelids, but it's gone a second later.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to jump start this waking up thing."

"That's not how you do it, doofus."

Okay, they were getting on my nerves.

I slowly open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light in the room, seeing Dean and Dolph huddled over my face.

"See? It worked," Dean says with a smirk, snatching something from Dolph. They back away, giving me some space.

"What's going on?" My head still hurts, and I feel more drained than I had the past few days. I look down at my right arm to see an IV attached to it. "What the hell?" I don't remember coming to a hospital. I try to sit up, but Dolph gently pushes me back against the hospital bed.

"Nope, no sitting up. Doctor's orders."

I sigh in defeat, bringing my free hand to my face to shield the light out of my eyes. "Can someone tell me what I'm doing here?"

"You passed out from the combination of a lack of sleep and an empty stomach," a deep voice says. I remove my hand to see a man with a shaved blonde head, wearing a smile. "I'm Dr. Miller, Asher, and right now, I'd like you to take it easy before I ask you a few questions."

I nod weakly. That would be no problem. I was tired enough to go back to sleep right now.

"And I'm going to have to ask you two to leave," he says, turning to Dolph and Dean.

"Aw, come on, Doc," Dean pleads. "It's boring in the waiting room and I can't even change the TV because the controls are too high."

A stern look from Dr. Miller gets them to turn and leave, with Dolph whispering to Dean: "If we jump high enough, we might actually be able to reach the controls."

"I'd keep an eye on them if I were you." I turn my head away from him on the pillow. "They're liable to break a TV. Or a few bones."

He chuckles. "Well, it's a good thing we're in the hospital if it's the latter." I feel the bed sink, signaling he has taken a seat. "Alright, this should go by quickly if you comply."

"How did I get here," I ask, not turning to look at him.

"A friend of yours called 911 early this afternoon, and told them you had been running on the treadmill, and passed out after holding your head. When you were brought in we ran a couple of tests. Tell me, Asher, on a scale of 1-10, how bad was the pain?"

I think back to it, and this morning. "A 10. It was like I had been hit in the head with my dad's sledgehammer."

He scribbles something down onto paper. "Having no food or sleep can be very dangerous, and result in plenty side effects. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, and black outs are all common. Since you were caught early on, it's not that serious, but we'd like to keep you overnight for some more evaluations." I see him stand out the corner of my eye. "Is there anything you need?"

"No, thank you."

"Very well. You should try to get some more rest."

As I hear him leave, I continue to stare at the blank white walls, the thought that I was a complete idiot for not eating and sleeping in the first place running through my mind.

What was I thinking?

My mind then wanders to my fiancé and his whereabouts.

"I can only imagine what he must be wondering right now," I mumble to myself.

After a couple more minutes have passed, the door creaks open. I'm too tired to turn my head and see who it is, so I opt instead to just fake sleep, not wanting to deal with anymore questions.

"Ash," I hear faintly. Of course it's Seth of all people.

I still keep my eyes closed, as I'd rather not see the disappointing look on his face.

The sound of a chair scraping across the floor is heard, and a few seconds later, a hand covers my own as Seth runs his thumb over my wrist. He's silent for a moment, content with just holding my hand, but he finally talks after a while. "They're keeping you overnight to run some tests, but you should be able to leave some time tomorrow." 

He lets out a deep sigh, and his touch leaves. "I'm just trying to make sense of this all. The doctor told me there hasn't been food in your system for these past few days, but I've seen you eat. The pancakes, and the takeout and Dean told me you had breakfast before you left. You ate . . . right?"

I'm too much of a wimp to open my eyes and tell him everything that I want to, letting him continue to answer his own questions as he starts to piece things together.

"And I knew about that all-nighter with Randy, but after that I thought you were okay. I thought you were sleeping. I wish you would've told me that you weren't or couldn't, but it's my fault for not seeing it. It's my fault for not being more involved and keeping my worries at bay far too many times. I knew something wasn't right, and I should've pushed for answers more than I did."

"Stephanie told me it's not my fault, but Vince is still a little pissed at me. He blames me, and frankly, I blame myself." He clears his throat. "I'm starting to think that every time you need me, I'm destined to fail you."

A tear comes out of my left eye, hitting the pillow as the back of his hand slowly strokes my cheek. "Oh, Ash. What am I doing wrong?"

Nothing, Seth. You're doing nothing wrong.

I'm the one who has constantly been going behind your back, making decisions I shouldn't be making alone.

Talking to people I shouldn't be talking to alone.

But even through all of his monologue and my rush of guilt, I stand by my decision to have Brand at the wedding. It's a catastrophe waiting to happen, but Seth will have to understand why I did what I did.

He'll have to understand that I did it for him. Not that I even know where to begin when it finally comes time to explain everything.

How can you possibly explain to someone you love, that you're willing to break their heart, just so you can make it whole again?

Quick update for all you lovely and loyal readers. I don't say it enough, but I love you all for taking time out of your day/night to read this. It really means everything to me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and feel free to leave your thoughts.

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