Chapter 3

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Saturday: 49 Days Until The Wedding

There's a honk outside, and I grab my coffee cup off the counter, and give Seth a quick kiss. "Hopefully I'll be back in time for lunch."

He walks with me to the door. "Why does Dean have to go all the way to Des Moines to get Renee something? What's wrong with Davenport?"

I pat him on the cheek. "Nothing, but he just really insisted on it. And since I don't want him to ruin his relationship with her, I agreed to go and help him find something I know she'll like." It pained me to lie to him, but it was for a good cause. And technically, we were going to Des Moines. So it wasn't a total lie.

Seth nods. "I guess you've got a point. He is known to screw things up."

"Exactly." I open our door and we step outside. Dean waves at us, and sticks his head out the window.

"Helmsley, hurry up before you force me to fall asleep behind this wheel!"

I roll my eyes and Seth pulls me into a hug, kissing me on the top of my head. He releases me and I make my way to Dean's car.

"Be careful with her Ambrose," Seth yells as I sit in the passenger seat. "I don't wanna have to kill you."

"All bark, no bite Rollins! I'm more scared of what she'd do to me than you!" He ducks back inside and rolls up the window before Seth can say anything else.

I wave at him as we back out of the driveway and head South.

I take a sip from my coffee as Dean points at my head. "What's up with the backwards cap? Where's your beanie?"

"During the spring and summer, I try not to wear my beanies all the time because it's too hot. Plus, this is Seth's hat, and it goes perfect with my shirt."

Dean glances at my Glamour Kills "Love Can't Hurt You" shirt and nods. "That it does. So are you finally ready to tell me where we're going?"

Might as well. "We're going to Seth's brother's house."

Dean hits the brakes, causing people behind us to honk their horns like crazy. He pulls to the side of the road and parks the car, turning to look at me. "I'm assuming you know about their situation."

I nod. "Yes I do, and that's why I want to fix it by inviting him to the wedding."

"Helmsley, you can't do that without telling him. You know this isn't going to end up good for you when he finds out."

"Since when did you become the wise one?"

"Since I became friends with you. And him again. I've never been one for true love, but I do know that's what you both have. Besides, if he figures out my part in this, he might disinvite me to the wedding. I don't want to miss out on any cake."

I chuckle at his last part, as I let his words sink in. The fact that we did have true love is what made me sure that he would get past this.

"We're going," I say firmly.

Dean sighs and pulls the car back onto the highway. "Okay, but I warned you."

Something in the back of my mind was telling me that if Dean thought this was a bad idea, then it more than likely was.

But I had to take this chance.


"How do you know this is his house for sure," Dean asks, pulling up in the driveway behind a black Lexus.

"I had to do some talking with the Des Moines Police Department, but I managed to convince them to give me his address." I step out of the car and stare at the one story brick house that belonged to Seth's brother.

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