Chapter 4

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"Bad idea, this is a bad idea, Helmsley," Dean mumbles, bouncing his knee up and down.

"Dean, can you stop?" We're sitting on Brand's couch, waiting for him to get out of the shower. "There's nothing bad about bringing a family back together."

"You're right," he says, throwing his hands up in the air. "Rollins and this guy haven't talked in 11 years, and Seth more than likely still hates him. What could possibly go wrong?"

A few seconds later, my phone blares out Seth's ringtone.

"You just had to ask," I tell him with an eye roll and answer it. "Hey Sethie."

"Hey Ash. How's the shopping going?"

"It's..." Brand appears with wet hair and holds up a finger to us as he walks into the kitchen. "It's going great. Dean is really enthusiastic about finding Renee the perfect gift."

"Yeah, I'm freaking ecstatic." I elbow him so he won't say anything that lets him know we're lying.

"What'd Ambrose say?"

"Oh, nothing. Just talking to one of the sales attendants." Brand comes out carrying a tray with two coffee cups, creamer, and sugar. "Seth, I have to go. Dean is getting into a heated argument with the manager." I raise my eyebrows at Dean.

He cups a hand around his mouth. "What do you mean you won't lower the price?!"

Brand smiles as he sets the tray down, and takes a seat in the chair across from us.

Seth chuckles on the other end. "Fine, I'll let you go. Do me a favor and try not to get thrown in prison while you're down there, alright?"

Man. The irony right now. "Don't worry. Dean won't get us into any trouble."

"Got that right," he says, leaning closer to my phone speaker. "But she might." 

I back him away with my left arm as Seth laughs again. "That Ambrose. Always the jokester. Love you, Ash. Call me on your way home."

"I will. And love you too." I hang up and look at Dean, who frowns.

"What, no love for me?" He sighs, shaking his head. "You think you'd know a guy."

I smirk at him then I look at Brand. He motions to the coffee on display. "If you'd like some, you're more than welcome to it."

Dean takes his and drinks it black, but I add a few spoonfuls of sugar and a drop of creamer in mine.

 "Thanks for inviting us into your home," I say after I take a sip of my coffee.

He holds up a hand. "Don't thank me. It's the least I could do after being, as your friend put it," he gestures to Dean, "a dick."

"The name's Dean," he answers with a slight scowl.

"It's nice to meet you Dean." Brand sticks his hand out to him, but Dean isn't buying any of it, and doesn't shake it.

Brand slowly pulls it back. "You're not the friendly one are you," he asks trying to lighten the mood a little. It doesn't work.

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