Chapter 21

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Thursday: 16 Days Until The Wedding

Car after car pulls into the empty parking lot of the local high school's football stadium, and the line-up and riders in each car is as follows:

Seth and I.

Randy, Dolph, Cody, and Eden.

Dean, Roman, Renee, and Summer.

The New Day, Tyler, and Sasha.

Kevin, Sami, and Cesaro.

Brie, Nikki, Daniel and Charlotte.

And my parents.

After playing Madden yesterday, I decided on not just the wedding party playing football, but some more of our friends and guests.

This would be fun.

I see that as everyone starts to get out of their cars, they're all dressed for the game, decked out in shorts, sneakers and tank tops. Even Dean had surprised me by trading in his standard blue jeans and leather jacket for khakis and a green t-shirt.

That was one of the beautiful things about football. It got everyone on the same page and brought them together. Well, until accusations of the other team cheating started to get thrown out. Now that was a different story.

"Did Shawn get you that jersey," Seth asks as I cut the ignition.

I nod with a smile. "Yep, two Christmases ago." It was a customized Patriots jersey with the day I was born and my Mac nickname on it. It felt right to wear to this game. "Do you like it?" It was a rhetorical question, as I knew he rarely got invested into anything NFL unless it involved his beloved Chicago Bears.

He groans, covering his face. "I can't believe I'm marrying a Patriots fan," he says, jokingly.

I bring a hand to his shoulder, patting it. "Don't worry, Sethie. My team's four Superbowl wins can compensate for your team's one." That only causes him to emit a louder groan.

I laugh, getting out of the driver's seat and tossing the keys to him before I step onto the pavement, stretching my arms above my head. Dolph walks over from where he had parked two cars down, spinning his keys on his finger. "Are you for real with this, Ash?" He leans through my open car door window, putting his shades on the collar of his tank. "It's hot as hell out here."

"Quit being a baby, Ziggler," Dean replies to the left of us, taking the words right out of my mouth as he grabs a cooler out of the trunk. He places it on the ground, shutting the trunk. "This is why we get kicked out of hospitals."

"No, you get kicked out of hospitals because you're both morons," Kevin randomly states as he and Cesaro passed us, heading down the hill to the football field.

"And a hello to you, too, Kevin," Dolph yells after him, causing him to throw up a hand in a wave. Dolph rolls his eyes before turning back to me. "What kind of woman plays football a couple of weeks before their wedding anyway?"

Seth walks over, twirling a football in his hand once. "The kind of woman that likes things a little rough," he replies, sending a wink in my direction causing me to bring a hand to my mouth to cover my smile at his innuendo.

Dolph removes his head from my window and grabs his stomach, bending over to fake gag. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Me too," Dean agrees.

"That was way too much information, Seth," Sami says as he walks by, shaking his head.

"You guys got to make jokes about it the other day, so I figured it was my turn." He faces me, smacking the football in his hands. "You ready to get destroyed?"

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