Chapter 2

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We get backstage, and Seth hugs me tight, hoisting me in the air, and spinning me around. When he puts me down he smiles at me. "You did amazing," he says in between breaths.

I smile, wiping sweat off of my forehead. "No, we did amazing." I hold up my title. "And we're still the champions."

He looks down at his. "Damn, we are amazing."

I chuckle. "You're just now realizing that?"

We had just successfully defended our titles in the main event of WrestleMania, in what I would consider a pretty awesome match.

Now to get this wedding stuff out of the way.

But first, I was going to need to give my team a call.



"Less than 2 months," Dean asks with wide eyes. "You're getting married in less than two months?"

I close my eyes as I nod slowly. "Yes, Dean. It was on your invitation." I don't see why the Bellas couldn't have been the first ones to the meeting.

"Then why'd you wait so long to plan it?"

My eyes shoot back open and shoot I him an evil glare. "Because, obviously, with WrestleMania in the horizon, I didn't have the time. That's where you come in."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Me? What? Do you need me to be the flower girl or something?"

Just as I was about to strangle him for being an idiot, the door opens and Seth walks in with the Bella Twins on his heels.

"Ooo, just like old times," Nikki says, looking around the room similar to the ones we always used to meet in.

"Yeah, it brings back memories," says Brie as her and Nikki take a seat across the table from Dean, and Seth sits beside him. I take my place at the head of it.

"So I bet you're all wondering why you're here?"

Dean raises a finger. "Because she wants me to be the flower girl at her and Rollins' wedding."

Seth looks at him then at me. "You do?"

I stare at him in disbelief. "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

"I think Ambrose would make an adorable flower girl," Nikki chimes in.

Dean smiles. "Thank you, Bella." He turns to me with a goofy look on his face. "I have an idea. Instead of flowers, I could throw those little white firecrackers that pop when they hit the ground." He starts rising out of his chair, "It'd be lik-"

I cut him off. "Ambrose, sit down." He does as I say quickly, and I let out an agitated sigh.

What was I thinking waiting so late to plan?

I look around the table at everyone. "Dean is not the flower girl, there's not going to be any firecrackers, and Dean if you speak before you are spoken to one more time, I will personally see to it that you never wrestle again."

Everyone's quiet as they all stare at me in shock. Brie finally breaks the silence when she coughs out, "Bridezilla."

Nikki nods. "I was thinking that too, but I didn't want to be the first to say it."

"I'm not a Bridezilla," I snap. They were testing my patience. "Look, let's just get this over with. I called you all here because I really need your help because my wedding is in less than two months and there's no way I can do it all by myself and if I don't get it done I'm going to have a mental breakdown and all of you and the guys will be left to pick up the pieces," I tell them without taking a single pause. "So are we clear?"

Dean shrugs. "I don't know. With that run-on sentence, you lost me at "I called"."

I pint a finger at him. "I told you not to speak unless you're spoken to."

He smirks. "I was spoken to. You asked us all if we were clear."

Seth jumps in to clarify before I can go through with my strangling plan. "What Asher was trying to say is that we already have the help of the guys, but it's not enough. We need Team BANDS," he says simply.

"Yes, I am so in," Brie says excitedly, without hesitation.

"Me too," Nikki tells us. "I miss our team."

We all look at Dean, waiting for his answer. He notices us staring, then looks around the room before pointing at himself. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I being spoken to?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, you are Ambrose. So what's your answer?"

"Give me some time to think." He taps his chin in thought, then after a few more seconds of that, looks at me. "What the hell? I'm in." Nikki reaches across the table to high five him.

Seth smiles. "Looks like the team is back," he says with a clap.

Everyone else smiles too except for Dean, who looks nervous. "Um, I hate to be the one to say this to you Helmsley," he starts, "but I don't know if 8 people can get this done in time before May 28 rolls around."

I started having a brief moment of panic. He was right. There was no way this would all get done.

Not even if I had the help of the entire WWE Roster.

I cover my hands over my face. If feeling like I was about to lose my sanity due to my procrastinating is a trait of a Bridezilla, then I guess you can classify me as one.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and pull my hands away to see Nikki, giving me a sympathetic smile.

She waves a hand at Dean. "Asher, don't listen to him. We're enough people, and we've always got more if we're not. With everyone in your family, you should know that. It's going to go perfect, and this will be the most beautiful wedding you've ever seen."

I nod because I wanted to believe that she was right.

"I've been telling her not to worry for the longest," Seth tells Nikki. "Oh, Ash? I grabbed this off the hotel coffee table before we left." He digs around in his pockets and then pulls out a folded piece of paper. "I thought we might need it."

He slides it across the table to me, and I  pick it up and unfold it, staring at my handwriting. "Yep, we'll definitely be needing this," I say with a slight smile. I can't believe I ever doubted myself or Team.

When I have a plan, I have a plan. And it's full proof.

"What is it," Brie asks.

"This," I say, waving the paper in front of me. "Is going to be Team BANDS ticket to perfect wedding paradise."

I stare down at all the steps I wrote down after I made it back to the hotel last night.

If we followed them all, at a decent enough pace, the wedding would be prefect.

Just like Nikki said.

I look out at Team BANDS. "Tomorrow? Step One."

I'm gonna try and focus more on the book plot, rather than the matches in this story, just to let you all know.

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