Step Four: Throw A Surprise Couple Shower

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Wednesday: 45 Days Until The Wedding

"Where are we going? What are we doing?" I continue to poke Seth in the arm.

"Would you quit it," he says with a chuckle. "I'm trying to drive here."

He still won't answer my questions, and I'm antsy to see what he has in store.

To kick off our 1-Year Anniversary this morning, Seth cooked me a nice breakfast. Okay, it wasn't nice. He burnt the scrambled eggs, and the pancakes were gummy, but it's the thought that counts.

Then later on in the afternoon, he took me to see Allegiant and even though Seth hogged most of the popcorn, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Seth doesn't like that Four is my favorite because he feels insecure about himself next to Theo James. I assured him that they're about even in looks.

But now it's 5 p.m. and since he won't tell me what's going on...

"I'm leaving you for Four," I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He glances at me, feigning sadness. "Ash, don't be like that. I mean, he can fight, but other than that," he stops at a stoplight, and turns to look at me with a smirk. "What else can he really offer you?"

"Let's see. Protection, truth, nice abs."

Seth scoffs as the light turns green and he presses the gas. "I can offer you all of those things. And I've got nicer abs."

I laugh. "Fine, I give. You win. But just tell me where we are going, so I don't have to rethink leaving you."

"I don't have to tell you because...we're already here." He pulls into an empty parking lot of a brick building.

"Where is here," I ask curiously, looking out the window.

He opens his car door, and comes around front to open mine. He reaches his hand out to me, locking the doors and putting his keys in his pocket. "Come with me, and you'll see."

I guess I had no choice. I grab his hand and he leads me to what I guess is the back door of the building.

"Close your eyes."


He smiles. "Can you not be stubborn for this one moment? You'll love this surprise."

I reluctantly close my eyes. "Alright, lead the way."

I hear the door open, and Seth grabs my hand again, pulling me forward.

After a few more seconds, he stops. "You can open your eyes now."

I open them to see most of my friends and family.

"Surprise," they all yell.

I smile, and glance at Seth. "What's this?"

"It's our surprise couple shower," he says with an even bigger smile.

I hug him around his neck. "This is the best anniversary present I could've imagined. Thank you." There was nothing I could've thought of that would be this amazing. I didn't think I would see everybody under one roof until it was time for the important wedding festivities, like the ceremony and rehearsal, so this is a really nice surprise.

"I'm glad you like it." A man brings us each a glass of champagne, and Seth holds up his. "A toast," his voice booms across the room. He looks at me. "To us."

"To Asher and Seth!" they all clink their glasses, and I click mine against Seth's. I take a sip, then kiss his lips lightly.

"I love you," I tell him. I don't think I would ever get tired of saying that.

"I love you too, Asher Brooke."

Y'all I am not feeling this book.

Like, at all.

I know I've got a nice little main plot and subplot that will create a problem going, and I did fall in love with my cover for this book, but I think it's terrible. Maybe terrible is an overstatement.

To me, it seems that some of my chapters are coming off as kind of boring, and that was totally not my intention. And the Team BANDS isn't making that many appearances as I thought they would because of me not really being able to work them in.

As you all know, this isn't the last book in the series, and I don't want to say too much, but I've got big, big, BIG things planned for the next few in the series.

So unfortunately, this is not going to be as long as I'd like it to be. Mostly because if I don't know what to write, I don't want to write out a lot of chapters that are more than likely crap that I won't be satisfied with.

There's always two people I try to satisfy with my writing. My readers of it and myself. And maybe you guys are satisfied with it, but I am not.

There won't be many more chapters. If I was to take a guess, I'd say five, but hopefully it'll be a little more. Sorry guys.

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