Chapter 26

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Warning: Might require tissues for their issues.

Kidding. It's not that sad.

As the night approached and we gathered outside to eat at the buffet that had been set up for all the guests, Seth couldn't take his eyes off Stone, who was now laughing about something with Randy, Dolph, and Dana.

I don't think Dean had told him about the unfortunate encounter he had with us, but even without that, Seth continued to glare. I wanted to believe it was because he didn't know him well enough to trust him, but I could tell by the ginger sips he took from his drink that Stone wasn't the only problem; Stone's social skills were some of the best anyone had ever seen, and I think it truly bothered Seth.

Especially when he learned that Dolph, Randy and Cody already knew him.

Or when he watched him talk so easily to my parents, grandparents, and Uncle Shane, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

And when he witnessed how comfortable he was around Shawn - the two having a secret handshake between them, which Shawn created when we were younger - he just about lost his mind.

"How is it that he's managed to win over this entire room?"

I peek over at Seth from where he sits next to me, stabbing his pasta with an annoyed expression. "Seth, are you jealous?"

"Me, jealous?" He scoffs. "Never."

Just then Stone excuses himself from his conversation, making his way over to Seth and I.

"Be nice," I mumble under my breath to Seth. He answers by shoveling a forkful of pasta into his mouth, choosing to take the silent road.

Stone slides into the chair next to me at the round table. "Asher, Seth, all of your friends are great. Dean and Dolph together are hilarious."

"They're quite the pair. Together they're even liable to get you kicked out of a hospital." Stone chuckles, having no idea I'm serious. I direct my attention to my plate in front of me. "It's nice to know you're getting along with everyone."

Seth nods, chewing his food and going for another forkful. "Yeah, but you know what they say, Stone." Okay, maybe he wasn't taking the silent road.

Stone's eyes narrow and he crooks his head to the side slightly. "No, actually I don't."

"That it's easier to make friends than it is to keep them," Seth takes another bite of pasta with a knowing smirk as he glances at me. "So I guess you do know."

I don't know how I'm able to stop my jaw from hitting the floor, but somehow I do as I stare at Seth in shock from the snide remark he's made.

Stone, being the calm guy that he is, laughs it off, holding up a finger to stop a waiter that carries a tray of champagne. "Ah, but they say that about everything, Mr. Architect." He takes a glass and then hands it to Seth. "Friends, pets." He grabs two more off the tray, handing one to me as he stares into my eyes, then quickly flicks his gaze to Seth. "Fiancés."

Seth almost chokes on the food in his mouth; I almost choke on air.

"I'd like to make a toast," I hastily announce, taking the champagne from Stone's hand and standing up, attempting to put an ease to the tension. Everyone follows suit, turning to me and raising their glass if they have one, or taking one off a tray if they don't. I decide to keep it simple so I don't fumble over my words, still a little fazed from what just happened. "To family, to friends, to friends that are family. I love you all, and I'm so happy that you could join Seth and I for such a wonderful occasion."

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