Chapter 28

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Third Person's P

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Seth wandered through the night in the same dress shirt and pants he had been wearing when he walked out on Asher the night before.

His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he pondered if he had done the right thing. He loved Asher, but maybe they weren't meant to get married. Maybe they weren't even meant to be together. Who could give him such answers but himself?

He had felt so many emotions when Asher told him about Brand coming to the wedding. Anger, disappointment, anxiousness. But most of all hurt. Hurt that the woman he planned on spending the rest of his life with willingly deceived him.

Though was there really any room for him to admonish her on deception, when he had been deceiving her as well?

Nothing made sense at the moment.

Seth knows there's a possibility that if he had told Asher about everything he was going through mentally and emotionally, she could've been prepared.

He should've told her of the nights he would wake up in cold sweats as she slept peacefully beside him. The countless hours he put into training and wrestling, because it was the only thing that kept his mind off of those retched memories.

However, the last one wasn't as true anymore. Asher kept his mind off of them.

It was as if those painful times were suddenly erased every minute Seth was around her. He had felt so dark, and Asher became the sunflower growing in a garden of weeds, lighting up his life when he drastically needed it.

But he didn't tell her that when he stormed away, instead telling her goodbye. It was stupid and he knew it, but the pain was just too much to bear.

Goodbye seemed like the only option.

"Wait, I see him," Seth heard a little ways off, turning to see three people approaching. Leading the pack and the owner of the voice was none other than his former Shield brother, Dean Ambrose. He and Asher had grown quite close over the past year, and Seth wouldn't be surprised if he and whomever was with him were there to drag him back to the reception.

Seth turned as Dean was inches away, only to receive a stiff right hook to the face that knocked him to the grass covered ground.

Dean stalked over to his fallen brother, looking ready to punch him again, but the silhouettes that were behind him - Randy and Dolph - grabbed his arms to hold him at bay. Dean assured them he was done and they released him.

Seth was in shock, bringing a hand under his left eye before he scrambled off the ground, pushing Dean forcefully. "What the hell's your problem, man," he exclaimed.

"Oh, my problem," Dean asked with a smirk, turning to glance back at Dolph and Randy. "He wants to know my problem." Dean turned back to Seth, nodding his head. Without warning, he swung his fist again and caught Seth in the chin. "How's that for my problem," he spat.

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