Chapter 19

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Tuesday: 18 Days Until The Wedding

When Seth and I walk into the room that afternoon, it's like a jam-packed circus. Everyone's broken into groups at different ends of the room, all of them speaking over one another, making it difficult to understand what each of them is talking about.

My dad, mom, Shawn and Kane are off in the far left, distancing themselves from the younger ones and more than likely talking business. With the exception of Shawn, I'm sure. He wasn't an "all work and no play" kind of guy.

The guys are off to the right with Roman and Dean, the latter holding his hand above his head as if he's comparing measurements, everyone else laughing at whatever story is coming out of his mouth.

Kevin, Sami and Cesaro are the only ones sat at the table in the middle, Sami trying to start a conversation with the two, but Cesaro has headphones on and Kevin nods while typing away on his phone, pretending to listen.

Nikki, Charlotte, and Eden are a few places away from them, Nikki showing the two her new purse, while Brie and Daniel are off in a corner, being all lovey-dovey, with their foreheads against each other's and stealing kisses.

"Maybe we should save this announcement for another day," I suggest, glancing back at Seth.

He shakes his head. "Nah, it just takes the right attention-grabber." Seth puts his fingers between his lips and whistles, easily directing everybody's attention to us. "And that's how it's done."

I roll my eyes with a smile, turning to face everyone. "Hey, guys. Firstly, I want to thank you all for coming."

"Are there any snacks," Dean interrupts with a raised hand.

Seth sighs, walking into the middle of the room and taking a seat at the edge of the table. He taps Cesaro on the shoulder for him to remove his Beats. "Dean, you asked that already, and the answer is still no."

"Don't you think you ate enough," Dolph questions him, looking around the room. "We stopped at Burger King on the way here just so he could get two kid's meals."

"Kid's meal," Kevin asks, chuckling. "What are you, 8? Owen doesn't even eat kid's meals."

"That's because you feed him like he's a camel," Sami adds with a laugh. "The kid gets more food in his system than I did when I was 19."

"Yet, he still remains unbelievably skinny," Cesaro states, admiration in his eyes.

"Can you guys stop talking about Owens' kid and kid's meals so we can move on," Shawn speaks, quieting everybody instantly. He's a legend, so he has that affect. He gestures a hand towards me. "Continue, Mac."

"Thanks, Shawnee. So I brought you all in so Seth and I could make an announcement."

"You're pregnant," Dolph blurts out, causing everybody to turn and look at me with wide eyes, wondering if it's true. Before I can deny it, my dad speaks first.

"My daughter is not pregnant. She knows she's got her whole career ahead of her." He smiles in my direction, letting me know that he nailed that response. Well-spoken, Dad.

But of course no subject is ever really dropped that easy when it involves my friends and family.

"I don't know, it could be a possibility," Randy responds, rubbing a hand over his hair, looking between Dolph and Cody. "She never rooms with us anymore."

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