Step Three: Check With The Hotel Manager

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I am stressing out because planning a wedding is hard. I can only imagine what planning my wedding in the future is going to be like, because I am going to be a Bridezilla all the way.

But enough of that. The reason I'm stressing out is because I jumped ahead of myself, and I'm so excited for the other books in this series, that I can barely keep my focus on this one. My thought process sucks, because it's all over the place. I want to get this book done, but at the same time I don't want to feel like I'm cheating you guys out of anything.

Ugh, this is so hard. I apologize in advance if anything comes off as rushed at all throughout the rest of this book. I promise I'll try my best not to make it seem that way.

Tuesday: 46 Days Until The Wedding

"I seriously love this place," I tell Seth as I step out of the car.

He smiles over the hood at me. "You and me both."

Our wedding is being held in Westlake Village, California, at the Four Seasons hotel. The entire place is breathtaking, and I don't think we could've picked a better one.

Today we are here to chat with the manager about details. The reason we did pick this place is because they assist a lot with the planning. They can even put together a customized cocktail to match the colors of our wedding, which is so cool.

Who wouldn't want to drink a blue and gold cocktail?

Seth grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand to the hotel desk where we wait for the manager, who we called on the car ride over here.

The manager, Frank, comes out from a door behind the receptionist desk to greet us.

"Mr. Rollins. Ms. McMahon-Helmsley. How are you," he asks, giving me a quick hug.

"We're doing great," I say with a big smile. Being here, the exact place where me and Seth would be getting married in 46 days makes me giddy.

"How are you doing, Frank," Seth asks, shaking his hand.

"I'm doing fantastic now that you're both here. What do you say we jump right into this planning?"


"And when we pour the Blue Curacao down the side of the glass?" As the bartender pours I watch in amazement as the colors merge. The middle becomes green in the middle of the blue and gold. "We have a Blue and Gold cocktail."

I look at Seth with excited eyes. This couldn't get any better. Our venue looks great, the hotel rooms are booked, all the vendors are picked out, everything is set for the reception including the cake and cupcake stand, and now we have a cocktail to match our wedding. Mixed with Kinky Gold, Blue Curacao, and orange and lime juice.


I look at Frank and point at it. "Can I taste it?"

He nods and the bartender hands it over to me. I smell its fantastic aroma before taking a sip of it.

"Wow," is the only way I can respond. "This is amazing."

"I want a sip." Seth reaches for the glass, but I slap his hand away.

"Nuh-uh. You are the designated driver back to the airport. No drink for you." He pouts and I laugh, taking another sip.

Frank looks at his clipboard. "It looks like we've covered everything." He flips a paper over and snaps his fingers, pulling his pen out of his shirt pocket. "Ah yes. How could I forget the menu?" He looks at us. "Do you know what you both want?"

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