Chapter 8

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Thursday: 30 Days Until The Wedding

"Oh, I almost forgot." Brie sends me a smile from across the Denny's breakfast table, and starts digging around in her purse. "I brought you something."

I bring my coffee away from my lips and place it back down on the table. My curiosity is peaked when Brie pulls out a small box. "Brie, if you're about to propose to me, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it. Unless the ring is bigger, of course," I say jokingly, wiggling my ring finger at her.

She laughs. "It's not a ring, Asher." She places the box on the table and covers it with her right hand. "It's something of mine I thought you could use for the wedding." She pulls the top off of the box, and takes out what's inside.

It's a necklace. A necklace that fits the color scheme of my wedding perfectly.

 A necklace that fits the color scheme of my wedding perfectly

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I take it from her slowly, admiring it. "It's beautiful." I look back up at her. Thank you, Brie."

Her smile is wide as she nods, picking up her fork and shoveling some eggs onto it. "It's no problem. I never wear it anymore, and I figured you could use it as your something borrowed."

The old wedding saying had almost escaped me, and Brie had just reminded me of it.

Something old, something new.

Something borrowed, something blue.

New would be my wedding dress, blue was one of the main colors, and now I had something borrowed.

Only thing left is something old, which should be no problem, seeing as my mom and grandma have a lot of antique things.

I put the necklace back in the box, listening to the forks clink against the plate, and slight chatter from the other customers. There's a certain peace to it. Peace I won't have in a few hours when I meet up with the wedding party to discuss some details. After that, Seth and I are flying back home to Davenport for a few days to relax.

I need all the relaxation I can get. Between planning a wedding and keeping secrets, I had lost a lot of sleep.

"So anyway," Brie starts after she's taken a drink of orange juice. "Daniel was asking me before I came to breakfast if we would get anything done at this meeting. I told him it all depends on everybody's mood and topics of conversations." She points her fork at my Chibi Wrestler shirt of Dolph. "That is sure to be up for discussion."

I laugh because it's true. "I can hear Dean already: 'Helmsley! Why don't you wear my shirt?'"

"They'll probably argue over whether it's polyester or cotton."

My laughter fails to cease, and the table next to us gives Brie and I weird looks from our loudness. "Let's hope this goes by peacefully."


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