Chapter 6

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Tuesday: 32 Days Until The Wedding

"Asher, you really didn't have to do this."

I glance up at Kane as we're walking to our table. "Are you kidding? It's your birthday, and you're like an uncle to me. Only fair that I treat you to lunch."

He chuckles. "You say that, but we both know I'll end up paying."

He pulls out my chair and I take a seat with a smile. "That's because you always insist." When Kane sits down across from me, I open up my menu. "I came here about a year ago with Dad. Their fried chicken is amazing and what I plan on getting."

Kane raises an eyebrow at me. "I thought most brides stay away from calories before their wedding?"

"Not this bride," I say with a laugh. "I can't survive on salad and whatever else healthy stuff people eat. It's not in my nature."

Kane shakes his head, smiling. "Speaking of your wedding, how's the planning going?"

"It's going great. Everyone that's coming has RSVP'd, and the rooms at the hotel have been booked. It's going to be amazing, Uncle Kane."

"I bet. I'm very happy for you, Asher, and I know your big day will be full of joy."

I nod in agreement, but the smile on my face slowly fades as I start thinking about Brand coming to the wedding. Maybe it would be a good idea to tell Seth about it before. Trust does make or break a relationship, after all.

I place my menu down, looking at Kane and trying to figure out how to word my question without cluing him in on what I've done. "Have you ever done something in advance, and it kind of blew up in your face?"

Instead of asking me where this is all coming from like my mom or dad would surely ask, he goes into deep thought. He snaps his finger, nodding.  "Once I did a move before scheduled, and wound up with a broken toe. Does that count?"

I chuckle softly. "Yeah, I guess."  I let out a sigh, and start twiddling my thumbs. "It's just that I made this decision without Seth's input, and I think it could go either very right or very wrong, but it's more than likely going to go very wrong."

"Wait a minute, take a deep breath." He intertwines his hands together and leans in closer as I do like he instructed. "Is this decision something that could potentially make Seth not want to marry you?"

At that thought I start freaking out. "Oh no, what if it is? I really screwed up, Kane," I state, shaking my head. If Seth was that angry as his brother as he played himself out to be, then who was I to play peacemaker and fix things between the two?

I'm not even his wife yet. Not that that would justify what I did if I was.

I look at Kane to see him watching me with curiosity, waiting for me to tell him what's going on. But I still don't know how to explain it, so I pick up my menu. "You know, just forget I mentioned anything."

Kane nods, looking me in the eyes. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here." A smile breaks out into his face. "You don't always have to run to your friends. Old guys give great advice."

I can't help but laugh. "I'll keep that in mind." I reach my hand across the table, placing my hand on top of his and patting it once. "Happy Birthday, Uncle Kane."

He smiles a small genuine smile. "Thank you, Asher."


"I asked her if she was free, and she said yes." Dolph pulled me forward, and I felt the burn in my core. We were stretching together before our match with my feet up against his, alternating between pulling each other back and forth.

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