Chapter 15

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Saturday: 21 Days Until The Wedding

I yawn in front of the hotel bathroom mirror, feeling a sharp pain go through my head. I bring my fingers to my temple to massage it away.

When I'm sure it's gone, I examine my face in the mirror. The bags under my eyes have become increasingly noticeable, and I'm starting to come to the thought that make-up won't cover it this time.

Ever since that nightmare, I haven't been able to bring myself to fall asleep or eat, and have been running on caffeine from cheap coffee joints that we've been hitting on the road.

Seth hasn't noticed that I spend my nights watching Netflix, or that I'm constantly throwing food into the garbage, getting angrier at myself every time. He's picked up that something is wrong from the less talkative nature and hermit lifestyle I've adopted the past few days, but hasn't quite put his finger on it yet.

The guys went out to eat lunch yesterday, and I declined the invite, telling them I'd take a rain check.

Dolph had a stand-up gig in the city we were in last night and I opted out of that too, which prompted Seth to stay at the hotel with me and become my make-shift teddy bear.

He fell asleep. I didn't.

My charade can only last for so long, however. So today I'm doing something and I don't care what it is.

Seth wanders into the bathroom, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as I'm putting on the last of my base. To Seth I probably looked healthy. Make-up could do wonders, after all. I went from looking like I belonged as an extra on The Walking Dead, to actually coming off as presentable.

"You're up early." He wraps an arm around my waist, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

I turn around to face him with a smile. "Early bird gets the worm."

"That they do," he says, hugging me to his bare chest. He pulls away, placing a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm gonna go get something to change into after a shower, then I'll go get us some breakfast. Sound good?"

"Sounds great." The smile I was wearing was so forced, it felt like my mouth would get stuck that way. When Seth leaves to go grab his clothes, I drop the smile and pinch my jaws, trying to get the feeling back into them.

My phone rings as I'm walking to the living room. The caller I.D. tells me it's Nikki. "Hey Nikki," I answer.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Right now?" I sit down on the couch, leaning back and resting my head against it. "Nothing, why?"

"Me and Charlotte are heading to the gym soon, and we were wondering if you'd be interested in coming?"

The gym? Probably not a good idea with an empty stomach, but I do need a distraction, and the gym is perfect.

"Sure. I've been meaning to get a workout in, anyway. I'll see you there." We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone, listening as I hear the shower start.

"Seth," I call out. He doesn't answer, which means he can't hear me. Good.

I scroll through my contacts quickly, stopping on the name I'm looking for and pressing dial.

"Hey, Asher," Brand answers happily. "I was just thinking of calling you to tell you the suit fit nice. I really like the colors you both picked, too."

I had sent the Groomsmen tuxedo to him a couple weeks ago, and had almost forgot to check in with him like I should have. He seemed so genuinely excited about the wedding, it brought a smile to my face.

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