Chapter 22

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Monday: 12 Days Until The Wedding


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"Why do you call me Smoke," a 14-year-old Asher questioned Stone as they lay on her grandmother's lawn, looking up at the night sky of the summer.

"I never told you," he asked, to which she shook her head lightly. Stone rested his hands behind his head. "Well, it's because you're a lot like smoke. Smoke is different, yet beautiful. A lot of people underestimate it. They think it's harmless, but it's very powerful, and if you let it get too close, it has the power to suffocate you."

Asher turned her head to look at him with concern, feeling as though she was doing the exact same thing to him. "Do I suffocate you," she asked softly, her voice would've barely been heard over the chirping crickets of the night if she had spoken that to someone else, but with their close proximity,  he heard her just fine.

Stone smiled. "That's the thing. You're like smoke, but you don't come close to suffocating me. In fact," he removed his right hand from behind his head and reached down in between them, intertwining his hand with hers, "it's when I'm with you that I feel like I'm truly breathing."

"Yo, Ash? Did you hear anything I just said?"

I blink, looking around the catering table that I sit at with Dolph, Randy, and Cody, not sure who had said what. "I'm sorry guys, I zoned out."

Dolph taps his head. "You've got to get your head out of the clouds, kid." He points towards the monitor where Seth and AJ are having their contract signing. To give the women's match some more exposure, Summer and I's contract signing would close the show, which I was happy about, but couldn't quite seem to stay focused long enough to grasp how huge it was. Dolph continues, "I was asking if you wanted to bet on whether or not your man gets his ass kicked when he runs his mouth too long."

"Nobody is stupid enough to make that bet," Randy tells him before I can answer. "Ash knows Seth, and she knows he's gonna get his ass kicked, right?" He turns to me.

I shrug. "He does have a point, Dolph. It's his character's thing." I lean forward, tapping my hands on the table. "Now if you wanna bet on who comes out on top - him or AJ - I'm all for that."

"My money's on AJ," Cody states, going for his wallet in his pocket.

"Stop," Randy says. "I refuse to let us make any bets on something so obvious. Where's the fun in us all betting against Seth?"

"Hey, I was gonna put my money on him," I defend. They send me looks that tell me they don't believe me. Good choice, because I love Seth and all, but I was definitely going to put my money on AJ. "Don't give me those looks. Let's just watch and see what happens."

We all turn back to the monitor just in time to see Seth sign his name on the contract. He smirks, flipping through the papers then grabbing the folder and holding it up. "Would you look at that, AJ? You get one more chance at my title." He lets the contract fall back down to the table. "If we're being honest here, I honestly have no idea why you got a championship match in the first place. What have you done to deserve one, huh?"

AJ glares at Seth, slowly bringing the mic to his lips, but Seth cuts him off.

"Oh, I know what you're about to say. You main-evented Tokyo Dome, right? Sold out arenas all over Japan? Look, that's all good and swell, but in case you're unaware, this isn't Japan, pal. Nothing you did before you came here matters anymore."

"Dem's fightin' words," Dolph mutters with a smirk, taking a sip out of his water bottle. I smile at him then look back at the screen. When we sat down watching the show together, we were usually our own commentary team, and that always made for fun remarks and some cheap laughs.

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